Was White House unveiling of SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett the superspreader event?

A flurry of positive coronavirus test results that emerged Friday including the president’s share a common nexus: the celebratory White House event where Donald Trump rolled out his nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Amy Coney Barrett. The September 26 gathering – which was filled with peans to textualism and conservative jurisprudence, as well as … Read more

Was White House unveiling of SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett the superspreader event?

A flurry of positive coronavirus test results that emerged Friday including the president’s share a common nexus: the celebratory White House event where Donald Trump rolled out his nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Amy Coney Barrett. The September 26 gathering – which was filled with peans to textualism and conservative jurisprudence, as well as … Read more

Hope Hicks’s positive coronavirus result kept SECRET for 24 hours

President Donald Trump learned Thursday morning that his longtime aide Hope Hicks had tested positive for the coronavirus but proceeded with his scheduled events for the day, including a million-dollar fundraiser at his New Jersey golf club. The fundraiser brought in $5 million for his campaign, Bloomberg News reported. The president has trailed rival Joe … Read more

Trump says more would have died from coronavirus under Biden

President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden fought over the coronavirus crisis at the Tuesday night presidential debate by accusing each other of killing more people had the other been in office. ‘He panicked or he just looked at the stock market, one of the two, because guess what, a lot of people died … Read more

Presidential Debate 2020: Trump and Biden’s claims fact-checked

President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden squared off Tuesday night in their crucial first debate of the 2020 campaign, the most pivotal opportunity yet for them to outline starkly different visions for a country facing multiple crises. Here we analyse what each candidate has said:  CLAIM: Biden said there are 100million Americans with … Read more

Presidential Debate 2020: Trump and Biden’s claims fact-checked

President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden squared off Tuesday night in their crucial first debate of the 2020 campaign, the most pivotal opportunity yet for them to outline starkly different visions for a country facing multiple crises. Here we analyse what each candidate has said:  CLAIM: Biden said there are 100million Americans with … Read more

Presidential debate 2020: Biden asks Trump ‘will you shut up man?!’

Joe Biden has started the first presidential debate by going straight on the attack against Donald Trump, exclaiming ‘will you shut up man’, as the presidential debate has turned into ugly brawl. Within the first 30 minutes of the debate, Biden and Trump took turns lashing out on one another over healthcare, the Supreme Court … Read more

Presidential debate begins with clash over Supreme Court nominee

Joe Biden has started the first presidential debate by going straight on the attack against Donald Trump claiming his SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett will strike down Obamacare.   The 90-minute show down between the presidential contenders proved early on that it would a be a knock-out, drag-down match.  Trump has signaled he’ll hold nothing back … Read more

US Election: Trump’s intel chief declassifies 2016 ‘Russian insight’

Trump’s intel chief declassifies 2016 claim that Russian spies ‘knew Hillary Clinton was trying to stir up a scandal against Donald by linking him to DNC hack’ despite Senate calling it ‘disinformation’ Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe wrote GOP Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham on the day of the first presidential debate  He said in … Read more

Presidential Debate 2020: Trump and Biden arrive in Cleveland

President Donald Trump and Democratic rival Joe Biden have touched down in Cleveland for Tuesday night’s first presidential debate. Trump arrived with first lady Melania Trump, who wore a $3340 Dolce & Gabbana black pinstriped pantsuit. Biden arrived solo. Jill Biden campaigned in Michigan earlier in the day and will join him in Cleveland Tuesday … Read more