Samsung apologises after sending a bizarre notification to thousands of users  

Samsung apologises after accidentally sending a bizarre ‘1’ notification to thousands of users overnight Samsung smartphone users were woken up by the bizarre ‘double 1’ notification  The random alert was sent by Samsung’s Find My Mobile very early on Thursday  Some users that never signed up for the service are concerned of a breach  Samsung … Read more

Hidden chambers found at the 3,400-year-old tomb of Tutankhamun

A series of hidden chambers at the 3,400-year-old tomb of Tutankhamun in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings could be the final resting place of Queen Nefertiti. A team of archaeologists, led by former Egyptian minister of antiquities, Mamdouh Eldamaty, used ground penetrating radar (GPR) to make their discovery. Radar surveys found corridors a few feet … Read more

Palaeontologists find a never-before-seen 168-million-year-old salamander called Egoria in Russia

Palaeontologists discover a never-before-seen 168-million-year-old amphibian called Egoria in Russia that is a 8-inch long ancient salamander Fossils of the amphibian were found in the Berezovsky quarry in Western Siberia Egoria malashichevi was among the earliest of the salamander species to evolve Researchers have used the fossils to create 3D reconstructions of the species The team will … Read more

Cold weather hitting Europe and the USA are NOT caused by a warming Arctic

Extreme blasts of cold weather hitting Europe and the USA are NOT caused by a warming Arctic changing the way the jet stream moves Previously it was thought a warming arctic was changing the jet stream waves The new research found fluctuations in the jet stream may be warming the arctic They found that any … Read more

Fossils discovered in the Sahara reveal catfish and tilapia swam in rivers 12,000 years ago

Fossils discovered in the Sahara reveal catfish and tilapia swam in rivers 12,000 years ago but died off from over fishing and climate changes  Experts found 17,551 identifiable fossilized remains in the Sahara near Lybia Approximately 80 percent of the fossils belonged to catfish and tilapia fish The remains had cut and burn marks on them, … Read more

Cracks on old paintings like the Mona Lisa make the artwork tough

Cracks on old paintings like the Mona Lisa make the artwork tough help masterpieces survive for centuries Increase in cracks on a painting are directly linked to the painting’s strength   A painting it less likely to snap and break if it has several cracks throughout   Cracks are seen on many old paintings, such as Mona Lisa and … Read more