Married At First Sight toothbrush scandal: Revolting detail cut from show as video leaks

GRAPHIC WARNING: The revolting moment Married At First Sight cut from the video of David Cannon scrubbing the toilet with ‘wife’ Hayley Vernon’s toothbrush – as full footage is leaked online

If fans thought Wednesday night’s Married At First Sight toothbrush scandal was bad, they will be shocked to find out there are more disgusting details which have now emerged about the saga.   

After Hayley Vernon revealed David Cannon ‘put her toothbrush in a toilet’ during  last night’s drama-filled dinner party, producers cut the most revolting part out.  

Full unedited footage of the incident has since leaked online, and shows David scrubbing feces with the toothbrush from the bowl, ensuring it was smeared across all of the bristles.


New low! The full video of Married At First Sight’s toothbrush scandal has leaked, revealing producers cut the most revolting part out. Pictured: Hayley Vernon 

David later returned the toothbrush its holder, for an unaware Hayley to use. 

David filmed the revenge act on his mobile phone, after letting himself into Hayley’s apartment when he found out she’d ‘cheated’ on him by kissing fellow MAFS groom Michael Goonan. 

The truck driver then sent the video to his co-stars, prompting a very concerned Mishel Karen to warn Hayley. 

Disgusting: The unedited footage shows David Cannon using Hayley's toothbrush to scrub faeces around the toilet bowl, ensuring it was smeared across all of the bristles

Disgusting: The unedited footage shows David Cannon using Hayley’s toothbrush to scrub faeces around the toilet bowl, ensuring it was smeared across all of the bristles

Too far: David later returned the toothbrush to the holder, for an unaware Hayley to use

Too far: David later returned the toothbrush to the holder, for an unaware Hayley to use

After copping all the blame for her affair with Michael at the dinner party, Hayley decided to expose the scandal, screaming: ‘What about the fact that David put my toothbrush in a toilet? You put the toothbrush in a toilet and you filmed it. One of your so called mates sent it to me, let me get my phone, you dog.’

She then proceeded to pull the contaminated toothbrush out of a plastic bag she’d hidden under her dress, before throwing it across the table at David.  

The incident was seemingly played down on TV, with no mention of the faeces. 

Edited! However, the video played on the show simply showed David picking the toothbrush up and approaching the toilet with it, before the footage was cut off

Edited! However, the video played on the show simply showed David picking the toothbrush up and approaching the toilet with it, before the footage was cut off

'You dog': Hayley sobbed after revealing the scandal to the group at Wednesday's dinner party

‘You dog’: Hayley sobbed after revealing the scandal to the group at Wednesday’s dinner party

David defended his actions at the dinner party, saying: ‘My mates have done worse to me, and you know why? Because with practical jokes there is no limit.’  

He was unanimously judged by the cast, who explained he could have damaged Hayley’s health and that his behavior was wrong and unacceptable. 

‘I have heard enough, I have confidence in the fact that I have been nothing but a gentleman through this experiment,’ said David afterwords. 

Married At First Sight continues Sunday at 7:00pm on Channel Nine 

Justified! David defended his actions at the dinner party, saying, 'My mates have done worse to me, and you know why? Because with practical jokes there is no limit'

Justified! David defended his actions at the dinner party, saying, ‘My mates have done worse to me, and you know why? Because with practical jokes there is no limit’