Man wins £1m on Euromillions with his first-ever lottery ticket

An electrician who bought a Euromillions lottery ticket for the first time ever after ‘a voice in his head’ told him to has landed a staggering £1 million win. 

Simon Waddup, 31, from Coventry, had been shopping in his local Aldi supermarket when he ‘kept hearing a voice in his head’ telling him to enter the National Lottery game on May 19.

However the father-of-one was left stunned when the two £2.50 EuroMillions Lucky Dip tickets he had purchased for that evening’s draw online landed him with the huge windfall.    

Mr Waddup said: ‘I have played Instant Win Games on The National Lottery website but never a main draw game. I was shopping in Aldi and I kept hearing this voice telling me to buy a lottery ticket.

Simon Waddup (pictured), 31, from Coventry, has won £1 million after he ‘kept hearing a voice in his head’ telling him to enter the National Lottery game on May 19

The father-of-one purchased two £2.50 tickets for the evening draw online and was stunned to find out he had won the staggering amount

The father-of-one purchased two £2.50 tickets for the evening draw online and was stunned to find out he had won the staggering amount

‘It sounds daft but I had the same message even as I was going home.

‘When I got back, I looked at my National Lottery account online and I had £5 left in my wallet.

‘I didn’t even know what day it was, or what type of draw was available next, but saw I could buy a EuroMillions Lucky Dip for £2.50 so decided to buy two for that night’s draw. I completely forgot about it until the next morning.

‘I was waiting for a delivery from 7am and at about 8:30am looked at my phone and saw I had a message from The National Lottery.

‘I knew I had won something big but I couldn’t quite believe it was £1 million, and it wasn’t until I called The National Lottery hotline that I let myself believe that it was real. I was then in a bit of a daze, just shaking.

‘The first person I told was my ten-year-old daughter and she asked if she could now have a passport, seeing as she has never been abroad.

‘I then phoned my mum and sister and they didn’t believe me. I still can’t believe this was the first time I played a main draw game.

Mr Waddup has been spending his time researching properties online after winning the money

Mr Waddup has been spending his time researching properties online after winning the money

‘I’ve always played Instant Win Games and won a few quid here and there. Lady Luck must have been smiling down on me and said ‘you need this now’.’

Mr Waddup, who has dreamt of being a property developer since he was a schoolboy, says he now hopes to realise his life-time ambition following his huge win.

He has spent years working on building sites to learn various trades before becoming an electrician and has even studied building planning in his spare time.

He added: ‘When my mum and sister finally realised I wasn’t joking, all we could talk about was that my lifelong dream would now be a reality – I could be a property developer.

‘For as long as I can remember I have wanted to buy old properties, do them up and build my own portfolio.

‘Friends and family laughed at my dream, especially when I was a teenager, but I was so focused, always thinking about how I would do it.

‘Both I and they now can’t believe that I have got that amazing windfall that will enable me to now go after my dream.’

The lottery winner said he can't wait to celebrate his win with his family and taking a trip abroad

The lottery winner said he can’t wait to celebrate his win with his family and taking a trip abroad

The win also comes at the perfect time as Mr Waddup’s health has restricted his ability to work and pursue his dream of owning a property portfolio.

He said: ‘For all this property planning, my health has constantly held me back. I have a rare blood disorder, my blood clots a lot meaning I must take blood-thinning tablets.

‘I also have a faulty heart valve and together it has meant I’ve been in and out of hospital a lot over the last few years.

‘It has affected my ability to work, in fact I haven’t been able to work since last summer, which has been so frustrating.’

Since finding out about the win, Mr Waddup has been spending his time researching properties online – as well as planning family holidays.

He has also treated himself and his daughter to some new clothes as well as splashing out on a new coffee machine.

He added: ‘Due to coronavirus, I can’t celebrate with my family and I can’t wait to see people and talk about the win – I will definitely be treating my family.

‘I will also get a passport for my daughter and, when we can, take a trip abroad – she has already told me that she wants to go to Spain.’