Emma Straub and P. Z. Reizin: This week’s best new fiction 

From Emma Straub’s spry and satisfying tale to Ask Me Anything by P. Z. Reizin, this week’s best new fiction

Ask Me Anything

P. Z. Reizin                                                                                                   Sphere £16.99

Our devices are spying on us – but whose side are they on? Daisy’s smart fridge is tired of harvesting marketing data on her toxic food and dating choices. So it recruits a secret squad of rogue appliances ready to risk everything to find her Mr Right. 

Beneath the madcap plot and spiralling absurdity lies an impish AI rom-com that skewers the data economy and the corporate erosion of private space.

Madeleine Feeny


All Adults Here

Emma Straub                                                                          Michael Joseph £14.99

After seeing an old acquaintance mown down by a bus, Astrid Strick is determined to shake things up. She may be a grandmother but she still has it in her to surprise her grown – if not yet convincingly adult – kids. 

Set over the course of an upstate New York summer, this shrewd, kindly tale embraces a topical spread of inter-generational challenges, yielding tart truths about love, class and family. It’s spry and satisfying.

Hephzibah Anderson