New York doctor distracts baby with tickles and a silly tune as he gives him his first jabs

Doctor distracts baby with tickles and a silly tune as he gives the five-month-old his first jabs in adorable video

  •  Dr. William Gerba distracted five-month-old Noah with his fun comedy routine
  •  He lightly tickles and pokes the baby while humming to him before the jab
  •  Mother Siphora Bangiyeva, 28, shared video on Tik Tok and has 10million views

A doctor has made getting shots fun for his young patients by humming a silly tune and lightly poking the babies to distract them. 

Dr. William Gerba at MDS4KIDS, in Great Neck, New York, used his comedy routine on five-month-old Noah who did not cry once during his vaccinations. 

In the cute video, Dr Gerba sings to Noah, starts poking him all over his body and tickling under his neck, much to the baby’s amusement. 

The doctor tickled under his chin and lightly poked all over his body

Five-month-old Noah smiled and chuckled as Dr Gerba performed his routine in Great Neck, New York, tickling under his chin and lightly poking all over his body

The doctor continues to distract Noah, who is sitting in his father’s arms, dabbing cotton wool balls on his legs before using the syringe, which has the cap on, to poke him all over his body in time with his sweet tune.

Noah chuckles away as Dr Gerba performs his routine and appears unfazed by the needle as it enters his tiny leg, laughing straight after.  

His mother Siphora Bangiyeva, 28 and father, Steve Gonzalez, 32, said that the experience was such a relief for them as parents. 

Ms Bangiyeva filmed her son’s experience with the doctor on June 12 and shared it on Tik Tok, where it soon received more than 10 million views.

Even when the jab went in Noah continued to smile

The baby did not cry once during the inoculation

Even when the jab went in Noah continued to smile and he did not cry once during the inoculation

Noah's parents said the routine made the stressful experience of their baby having jabs easier

Noah’s parents said the routine made the stressful experience of their baby having jabs easier

She said: ‘I was absolutely joyful and so relieved to watch my son so happy and to receive his vaccines so painlessly.

‘My son had no clue what was happening. He was so happy and giddy from the tunes that the doctor was humming.

‘Noah is so ticklish and enjoyed the doctor’s technique so much.

‘There are some wonderful doctors out there that care about their patients and take their time to ensure their patients leave satisfied.

‘It is so nice to know my child won’t be afraid of his vaccines because of this wonderful technique.’

Dr Gerba has become known for his fun routine which helps children, and their parents, get through the often stressful experience of inoculations. 

Several videos have been shared on the internet of his routine, including one where he uses a bubble machine to make a baby smile.