Paraglider is perfectly reflected in lake as he spirals above the water

Mirror image! Paraglider is perfectly reflected in lake as he spirals above the water and grazes the surface with his wing

  • Helmut Eichholzer, 44, was able to perform a ground spiral in Salzburg, Austria
  • Paraglider spiralled over a lake and formed perfectly aligned reflection in water
  • He grazed the water with the tip of his wing before landing just seconds later  

This is the incredible moment a paraglider is in perfect symmetry with his reflection while spiralling over a lake in Austria.  

Helmut Eichholzer, 44, had been paragliding with a group of friends at Bischling Werfenweng in Salzburg when he was able to execute a ground spiral above a crystal clear lake. 

Mr Eichholzer, from Kuchi, Salzburg, grazed the surface of the waters with the tip of his wing to form a perfectly aligned reflection of himself in the lake before landing just seconds later.

Helmut Eichholzer, 44, from Salzburg, spirals over the lake in Bischling Werfenweng in Austria and forms a perfectly aligned reflection of himself

The paraglider begins to spiral over the lake

Mr Eichholzer carefully manoeuvers his equipment

Mr Eichholzer begins to spiral over the lake and carefully manoeuvers his equipment over the water

During the clip, which was filmed by fellow pilot Roland Brunnbauer on September 5, the paraglider swirls over the lake and carefully manoeuvers his equipment so that he and his reflection are in perfect symmetry.

He then lightly touches the water with the tip of his wing before landing in the water. 

Mr Eichholzer said: ‘A photographer invited some Austrian top pilots for a photo shooting early morning sunrise.

‘Therefore, we meet up in the late evening on the peak of Bischling. We made a fire, had a nice evening together and slept in our sleeping bags.

The paraglider, who was filmed by fellow pilot Roland Brunnbauer on September 5, touches the lake with the tip of his wing

The paraglider, who was filmed by fellow pilot Roland Brunnbauer on September 5, touches the lake with the tip of his wing 

Mr Eichholzer touches the lake before landing in the water just a few seconds later

Mr Eichholzer touches the lake before landing in the water just a few seconds later 

‘We had about six pilots and started with our glider from our sleeping place in 15 minute intervals. Everybody tried to do a spiral and touch the water with the wing tip. It looks easier than it is.

‘I had the perfect feeling with my ‘Ozone ZeoliteGT glider’ and could do the wing touch in a perfect way.

‘My focus right after the wing touch was to swim as fast as possible to the bank. The water was quite cold.

‘If I entangled with the lines of the glider, it would be really dangerous! For safety reasons we had a stand up paddle placed on the bank.

‘In retrospect, it was worth the effort and risk.’