Meghan and Harry had secret ‘introductory meeting’ with California Gov. Newsom before the election

Meghan and Harry ‘held secret meeting with Democratic California Gov Gavin Newsom’ just weeks after they ‘violated’ terms of Megxit deal by wading into politics with thinly veiled dig at Trump

  • The Sussexes took part in a virtual hour-long meeting with the Democratic governor on October 19, a memo obtained by The Sun has revealed
  • It is not clear what was discussed in the meeting 
  • Newsom’s office told The Sun the outlet it does not comment on ‘the content of meetings between the Governor and private parties or his staff’ 
  • At the time, the presidential election was just two weeks away
  • Newsom was facing mounting calls to line up a woman of color to replace then-California Senator Kamala Harris if she was elected vice president

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry had a secret ‘introductory meeting’ with California Governor Gavin Newsom just two weeks in the run-up to the election – just weeks after the former Royals ‘violated’ the terms of their ‘Megxit’ deal by wading into politics.

The Sussexes took part in a virtual hour-long meeting with the Democratic governor on October 19, a memo obtained by The Sun has revealed. 

It is not clear what was discussed in the meeting with Newsom’s office telling the outlet it does not comment on ‘the content of meetings between the Governor and private parties or his staff.’

At the time, the presidential election was just two weeks away and Newsom was facing mounting calls to line up a woman of color to replace then-California Senator Kamala Harris if she was elected vice president.      

The meeting between the former Royals and a prominent politician came after Meghan and Harry were accused of ‘crossing the line’ in September in a Time 100 video where they told American voters to ‘reject hate speech, misinformation and online negativity’ in ‘the most important election of our life.’ 

Members of the Royal family are supposed to be politically neutral. 

Meghan and Harry stood down as senior Royals effective March 2020 but had promised that ‘everything they do will uphold the values of Her Majesty’ even after leaving. 

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry had a secret ‘introductory meeting’ with California Governor Gavin Newsom just two weeks in the run-up to the election – just weeks after the former Royals ‘violated’ the terms of their ‘Megxit’ deal by wading into politics

The memo in Newsom’s calendar details a video conference from 3.00pm to 4.00 pm ‘with Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.’