Do you see YELLOW or GREEN? Internet divided over the true color of tennis balls as debate rages on social media
- A person on Twitter started the everlasting debate on Tuesday, with 29k votes in
- All-time great Roger Federer even gave his own thoughts to the question in 2018
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What color are tennis balls? That may sound like an easy question to answer, but to the shock of many, there seems to be a divide of two camps on social media as to whether it’s green or yellow.
On Tuesday, 46.7 percent of voters answered that a tennis ball is yellow instead of green in a poll shared on Twitter, with the latter only obtaining 43.2 percent of the total count.
The options ‘other’ and ‘just show answer’ made up for 3.4 percent and 6.8 percent of votes, respectively.
‘Wow. It’s amazing how neck and neck it is,’ shared the Twitter user who created the poll.
‘It’s especially weird to me because before I’d seen this question, I would have said it just 100 percent yellow. Not even greeny yellow,’ she added.
The ever-lasting debate of whether a tennis ball is green or yellow has resurfaced to light
A poll shared on Twitter and answered by 29,066 people gave yellow a slight edge over green
The person who started the poll has come to the conclusion that a tennis ball is ‘greeny yellow’
Are tennis balls really green? Especially if they’re bouncing off grass courts like Wimbledon…
‘But now when I look at photos, I’m realizing it totally is greeny yellow! Kind of? This feels like the yellow/dress all over again, except where I’m questioning my *own* sanity instead of others.’
To many, the question wouldn’t have struck to them as one that could possible have multiple answer choices.
But, as people realize that some tournaments are played on grass, like Wimbledon, they all suddenly wonder if the ball can even be seen against the green backdrop.
Well, it’s seen as clear as night and day that the ball its yellow, as the poll points out.
All-time tennis great Roger Federer even admitted himself that he’s always thought that a tennis ball is yellow in 2018 while visiting New York City.
To many, the question wouldn’t have struck to them as one that could have multiple answers
However, that didn’t end the dilemma there as the question resurfaced, five years later.
And whether you see green or yellow, in both cases, you are correct. The way a person perceives color is based on the light reflection on the tennis ball and also the way your brain ‘translates’ wavelength into colors.
So that should settle things once or for all… or will the debate be an ever lasting one as long as the sport is alive?
As Kanye West once said on stage at the Grammys: ‘I guess we’ll never know.’
*Mic drop*.