Ultra-massive white dwarf star with ‘unusually high’ levels of carbon discovered

Unique white dwarf bigger than the SUN found 150 light years from Earth with ‘unusually high’ levels of carbon formed when two stars merged and failed to go supernova

  • Star WDJ0551+4135 is 150 light years from Earth and has a unique composition
  • It has large amounts of carbon and is twice as massive as most white dwarfs
  • It is thought to have formed when two white dwarf stars merged into one    
  • The star ‘just about failed to explode as a supernova’ and this unusual event created unusual conditions which resulted in the exceptional composition 

A white dwarf bigger than the sun has been discovered with a unique composition that has not been seen in any other star. 

The bizarre star — called WDJ0551+4135 — is made of an unusually high amount of carbon. It is also twice as massive as most white dwarf stars.  

Astronomers believe the star, which is 150 light years from Earth, was formed when two regular white dwarfs merged around 1.3 billion years ago. 

Scientists say such an event should have triggered a supernova, but this star miraculously avoided that explosive demise. 

The one-of-a-kind scenario produced a truly special star which astronomers say is unlike anything else ever studied.  

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A star with a unique composition and large amounts of carbon called WDJ0551+4135 is around 150 light years from Earth and was formed when two white dwarfs merged around 1.3 billion years ago (pictured, artist’s impression of the merger which should have created a supernova)

Lead author Dr Mark Hollands, from the University of Warwick’s department of physics, said: ‘We have a composition that we can’t explain through normal stellar evolution.

‘The only way you can explain it is if it was formed through a merger of two white dwarfs.’ 

White dwarfs are the remnants of stars that have burnt out all their fuel and shed their outer layers.  

WDJ0551+4135 was first discovered while astronomers were combing through historic data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia telescope.

The team then used the William Herschel Telescope located in the Canary Islands to analyse the light emitted by the white dwarf and identify its chemical composition. 

They found the star’s atmosphere had an unusually high level of carbon. Dr Hollands said: ‘This star stood out as something we had never seen before. 

‘You might expect to see an outer layer of hydrogen, sometimes mixed with helium, or just a mix of helium and carbon. 

‘You don’t expect to see this combination of hydrogen and carbon at the same time as there should be a thick layer of helium in between that prohibits that. 

‘When we looked at it, it didn’t make any sense.’ 

While most white dwarfs are around 0.6 times the mass of our Sun, the astronomers found this one to have 1.14 solar masses.

Its enormous mass however comes while being around only two-thirds the size of the Earth. 

Based on its orbit around the Milky Way, astronomers believe the star is older than it looks. 

Dr Hollands added: ‘Maybe the most exciting aspect of this star is that it must have just about failed to explode as a supernova – these gargantuan explosions are really important in mapping the structure of the Universe, as they can be detected out to very large distances. 

‘However, there remains much uncertainty about what kind of stellar systems make it to the supernova stage. 

‘Strange as it may sound, measuring the properties of this ‘failed’ supernova, and future lookalikes, is telling us a lot about the pathways to thermonuclear self-annihilation.’

The research was published in the journal Nature Astronomy. 


A supernova occurs when a star explodes, shooting debris and particles into space.

A supernova burns for only a short period of time, but it can tell scientists a lot about how the universe began.

One kind of supernova has shown scientists that we live in an expanding universe, one that is growing at an ever increasing rate.

Scientists have also determined that supernovas play a key role in distributing elements throughout the universe.

In 1987, astronomers spotted a ‘titanic supernova’ in a nearby galaxy blazing with the power of over 100 million suns (pictured)

In 1987, astronomers spotted a ‘titanic supernova’ in a nearby galaxy blazing with the power of over 100 million suns (pictured)

There are two known types of supernova.

The first type occurs in binary star systems when one of the two stars, a carbon-oxygen white dwarf, steals matter from its companion star.

Eventually, the white dwarf accumulates too much matter, causing the star to explode, resulting in a supernova.

The second type of supernova occurs at the end of a single star’s lifetime.

As the star runs out of nuclear fuel, some of its mass flows into its core.

Eventually, the core is so heavy it can’t stand its own gravitational force and the core collapses, resulting in another giant explosion. 

Many elements found on Earth are made in the core of stars and these elements travel on to form new stars, planets and everything else in the universe.