Best foam rollers 2020 | Daily Mail Online

Soothe muscles and release tension: Eight of the best foam rollers to ease your workout aches and pains

If you’re serious about getting fitter you need to pay equal attention to recovery as the actual workout itself.

Whether you’ve been for a run or you’ve done a HIIT class, spending a few minutes after each training block massaging your body and releasing tension in overworked muscles will ensure you’re fresh for the next session.

If you’re new to foam rolling, it’s best to start with soft foam and then move on to hard, textured or even vibrating foam once you’re comfortable with the movements.

Here are eight foam rollers suitable for all abilities.

The Asinean water bottle roller is the same size as a water bottle meaning you can carry it anywhere and use immediately after a workout, wherever you are. You could even take it to work to stay hydrated at your desk, then find an empty meeting room for a mid-morning stretching session.

The combination of the black colour and the raised knobs makes it look both bold and stylish. You’ll find it a real conversation starter as people will be desperate to know what it is.

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Two rollers in one. The outer roller is a soft, ridged option that’s designed to be used on the arms and legs, whilst the second is a much more severe-looking roller with a harder surface and much deeper grooves.

The soft roller is perfect for beginners or those with injuries while the inner roller will please those looking for something significantly tougher to ease stiffness. You could progress from the softer option to the harder one or use the soft one in areas of pain and the harder ones elsewhere without having to invest in two separate rollers.

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A great option for those new to foam rolling, Gaiam’s muscle therapy foam roller is not only soft enough to stretch out your muscles in a gentle way but it comes with a 15 minute DVD to teach you the basics of how to use it. 

The DVD features demonstrations of key stretching exercises and shows you how to self-massage different trigger points. You’ll learn how to release built-up tension and loosen stiff muscles while elongating and aligning your spine.

This roller can’t penetrate deep into specific areas but it does a decent full-body job.

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The Brazyn collapsible foam roller is not a cheap piece of kit and you may well balk at spending £59 on a piece of foam, but once you examine its features you should feel the price tag is justified.

Firstly, to enable it to collapse fully flat for easy portability, it takes a team of European craftsman nearly an hour to assemble over 60 individual pieces. These are made from eco-friendly materials like bamboo and aluminium. When folded it weighs just 1.5lbs but it’s strong enough to bear the load of a 350lb person.

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If there’s an issue with the soles or arches of your feet then it throws off the alignment in your whole body leaving you at risk of ankle, knee or hip injuries. 

Massaging your feet regularly will help keep them supple and the blood circulating plus prevent the painful condition plantar fasciitis in which the tissue under your foot becomes inflamed.

The Gaiam ball shaped massager is small enough to fit in the arch of your foot and the textured surface provides added relief as it can penetrate painful areas. It’s an affordable and useful piece of kit.

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Vibration relaxes tense muscles and increases circulation which makes this foam roller a great tool for warming up before a workout as well as recovering afterwards. 

By releasing some pressure points before you exercise, you won’t need to do as much rolling afterwards and will perform better during your workout. The bright colour of this Opti roller is also seriously uplifting.

On non-training days, keep it switched off and use without vibrations for a softer massage. There are three different intensities and a mini USB port to charge.

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The Grid X is Triggerpoint’s firmest foam roller, created to break through the body’s toughest, tightest spots for relief from intense aches and pains.

Perhaps not one for beginners, this hardcore piece of kit is more suited to gym goers who have built up some dense tissue that they need to penetrate. As it’s made from closed cell EVA foam, its incredibly firm. You’d have to bounce as hard as you can on a soft roller to get the same manipulation you get on the Grid. It’s painful to use but you’ll feel lighter and looser once you’re done.

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The Nike recovery foam roller is a decent all-rounder as the textured surface isolates specific muscle groups so you can really delve deep into targeted areas.

However, it’s lightweight and compact and not too firm for beginners. Use it after a run for a proper cool down or before a spin class or cycling session to warm up your leg muscles and get the blood flowing.

The discreet black design makes it easy to store and means you can leave it on display without it being an eyesore. If you can see it, you’re more likely to use it.

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