Butternut and kidney bean quesadilla

Butternut and kidney bean quesadilla

A very popular recipe in my house. It is so simple to throw together, packed with veggie goodness and a great finger food.


Place the quesadilla on a plate or board then cut into triangles to serve

100g frozen, cubed butternut squash

1 tbsp water

2 tsp coconut oil

2 spring onions, finely sliced

1 tsp ground cumin

½ tsp smoked paprika

½ tsp garlic granules

210g tin kidney beans, rinsed, drained and roughly chopped

juice of ½ lime

handful of coriander, leaves and stems, chopped

2 flour tortillas

50g cheddar, grated

  • Place the butternut and water in a microwaveable bowl and cover with a plate. Microwave on full power for 5 minutes, then check to see if the butternut is tender and cooked through. If not, cover and microwave for a further 1 minute, repeating until the squash is soft.
  • Melt the coconut oil in a large nonstick frying pan over a medium heat. Add the spring onions, spices, garlic granules, kidney beans and butternut squash and mash everything together. Cook for 2-3 minutes to meld the flavours. Add the lime juice and coriander then remove from the pan and put to one side.
  • Wipe the frying pan clean then put it back on the hob and place a tortilla in it. Sprinkle over the grated cheese then spread over the butternut squash mixture. Top with the second tortilla, squashing everything down firmly with the palm of your hand.
  • Cook for 2-3 minutes before flipping and cooking for a further 1-2 minutes, or until golden brown on each side.
  • Place the quesadilla on a plate or board then cut into triangles to serve.