Widow, 96, gets £117k after being paid wrong state pension

A 96-year-old widow with severe dementia has received more than £117,000 from the Government after being underpaid state pension for 20 years.

The Department for Work and Pension is accused of ‘shocking’ treatment of Rosemary Chattell, who lives in a Cheshire care home and is unaware she has been handed the vast sum.

In a further cruel twist, she might now face a massive income tax bill on the belated payment, though it is due to government error.

Underpaid state pension: Rosemary Chattell, left, with son John, centre, and his wife Dinah, right, pictured 10 years ago

Mrs Chattell’s case has raised fears that other bereaved spouses might be underpaid too.

A This is Money investigation into government incompetence in administering state pensions has already led to a host of elderly married women receiving thousands of pounds in payouts. 

Some widows and widowers can claim up to a full basic state pension, currently £134.25 a week, but this depends on their ages and the strength of their late spouse’s National Insurance record.

Former Pensions Minister Steve Webb says Mrs Chattell’s case ‘defies belief’, but he is urging other elderly widowed people to check they are being paid the right amount. 

>>>Are you widowed and being underpaid state pension? Find out how to check below

The huge hole in Mrs Chattell’s state pension was discovered by her son John, 66, who holds power of attorney for her.

He learned his widowed mother-in-law was getting £129 a week, and so realised there must be something wrong about his mother only getting £77.

Yet he was fobbed off three times in a row by DWP staff, whom he tried to alert to his mother’s suspiciously low payments.

His experiences echo those of married women, who also got short shrift when raising concerns about their pensions with the Government department, and were later vindicated.

Mr Chattell, a retired sales manager from Cheshire, says he made a fourth call to the DWP thinking ‘I will give it one more try’, and that it would be his last attempt.

But he says this time he finally ‘got through to a helpful person’ who investigated Mrs Chattell’s payments for him.

It’s almost like in The Rainmaker novel by John Grisham, where an insurance firm turns down claims until someone gets persistent

Phil Eaton, chartered financial planner and adviser to the Chattell family, on the DWP’s attitude to pension queries

And he eventually received a phone call back from a staff member, who first asked him if he was sitting down before delivering the news his mother was owed a stunning £107,852.58.

But she only initially got a basic arrears payment, and after consulting his family’s financial planner Phil Eaton (see left and below), he decided to ask for more.

Mr Chattell claims he was ‘told in no uncertain terms that they never add interest’ after following up with two letters and phoning DWP staff again.

After he turned to This is Money for help, the DWP paid his mother a further £9,447.20 in interest.

A DWP spokesperson said: ‘We are very sorry that Mrs Chattell’s state pension review was not processed correctly.

‘We have amended this, paid the arrears owed with interest and apologise unreservedly for the inconvenience caused.’

The DWP has admitted it made an administrative error dating back to December 1999.

Mrs Chattell’s state pension should have been increased automatically after she lost her husband Roy, a Cheshire timber business owner who died at the age of 76.

Mr Chattell says: ‘We have always paid our taxes and played fair and you should get what you are owed. The first couple of calls I made they were suggesting the pension was correct.

‘It’s an injustice. How many other people are there like us? There’s got to be thousands. Without making a call you never find out. I could easily not have done if I hadn’t made a last phone call. I thought I will give it one more try.’

Michelle Cracknell: Mrs Chattell might have scrimped to get by unnecessarily all these years - and could now face a big tax bill

Michelle Cracknell: Mrs Chattell might have scrimped to get by unnecessarily all these years – and could now face a big tax bill

Since This is Money’s intervention, Mr Chattell has received a call from a DWP staff member who gave him a personal apology.

But the DWP has refused to tell us whether it will also pay compensation.

And Mr Chattell now faces a further battle on that front to at least cover his mother’s potentially huge income tax bill on her sudden influx of funds, aside from any redress for being denied the correct state pension for 20 years.  

Former Pensions Minister Steve Webb says: ‘This is one of the most shocking cases I have ever come across.

‘For a widow to be underpaid for two decades defies belief. It is even more shocking that her son was initially fobbed off and told that nothing was wrong.

‘To add insult to injury, the family then had to battle to get interest on the backpayment which should have been awarded without question.’

Webb, who is now a partner at pensions consultant LCP, adds: ‘I hope that this case will lead other widows and their families to check whether they are getting the full state pension to which they are entitled.’ See the box below on what to check.

Most people accept what the DWP tells them and don’t challenge it, says pensions expert

Michelle Cracknell, independent pensions consultant and former chief executive of The Pensions Advisory Service, points out that Mrs Chattell might have scrimped to get by unnecessarily all these years.

‘What could she have done with that money? And for her attorney, they will have made decisions based on affordability. They could have made different decisions over spending if she had the right income at the time.’

Personal allowance of £12,500 removed for higher earners 

A quirk in the tax system that could affect Mrs Chattell sees the marginal rate of tax rocket for those whose earnings go above £100,000, writes Simon Lambert, Editor of This is Money. 

The personal allowance removal at a rate of £1 for every £2 earned means those in the bracket between £100,000 and £125,000 pay far more tax on their next £1 of income than even those earning hundreds of thousands of pounds more.

The removal of the personal allowance was introduced by then Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling, after the financial crisis in 2010.

Successive Conservative governments have chosen not to [change] it since coming to power.

Even when George Osborne cut Darling’s 50p tax rate above £150,000 to 45p, he still kept the effective 60p one further down the ladder.

This means that those earning between £100,000 and £125,000 pay an effective 60 per cent rate of income tax.

She believes Mrs Chattell will have to pay income tax in the year she received the arrears and interest, and therefore her bill will be significantly higher than if she had been paid correctly over 20 years.

But her son, acting as her attorney, might be able to argue to the DWP – or if it rejects her claim, to the Parliamentary Ombudsman – that she should be put right financially on the tax.

That would be in addition to claiming compensation for what is known in official jargon as ‘distress and inconvenience’.

Cracknell adds that there could be other widows who have missed out on state pension, because in her experience most people accept what the DWP tells them and don’t challenge it. 

‘It’s a travesty of justice’, says adviser to Chattell family in their battle with DWP

Phil Eaton, a chartered financial planner and director of Greystone Financial Services in Cheshire, who has acted for the Chattell family for 30 years, says the DWP’s error in this case is ‘shocking’ and ‘off the scale’.

‘I am very saddened that Rosemary is 96 and will never see any benefit of this, though it will benefit her family in a wider sense,’ he says.

Eaton condemned DWP staff’s treatment of Mr Chattell, saying: ‘It’s almost like in The Rainmaker novel by John Grisham, where an insurance firm turns down claims until someone gets persistent.’

He points out that over the two decades that Mrs Chattell has been denied the correct state pension, for the first 11 years she could have spent that extra money herself, and for the past nine years her son might have made different financial decisions on her behalf, including what care home he chose for her.

Eaton has supported Mr Chattell during his battle with the DWP over his mother’s state pension, and after the huge underpayment came to light, he drafted a letter to help him to pursue a claim for interest too.

Phil Eaton:  'I am very saddened that Rosemary is 96 and will never see any benefit of this, though it will benefit her family in a wider sense'

Phil Eaton:  ‘I am very saddened that Rosemary is 96 and will never see any benefit of this, though it will benefit her family in a wider sense’

When two letters to the DWP asking for interest didn’t appear to be getting anywhere, Eaton did an internet search for ‘incorrect state pension’ which turned up an article by This is Money columnist Steve Webb.

Eaton contacted Webb, who was staggered to hear about the massive state pension error, and immediately agreed to help the Chattell family fight for more than a basic arrears payment.

On the issue of Mrs Chattell now facing a big potential income tax bill, Eaton says: ‘It’s a travesty of justice.’

Unless a solution is found, he says the payment could push her into the 45 per cent additional rate bracket, and she could also lose her personal allowance.

Eaton has consulted an accountant, who has suggested the Chattell family approach HMRC to explain the unusual situation, and see if an agreement can be reached before her next annual tax return is submitted.

Meanwhile, Mr Chattell plans to complain again to the DWP, and if necessary take his case to the Parliamentary Ombudsman, arguing the Government’s maladministration of his mother’s state pension has led to an additional tax bill.

Are you a widow or widower who might be underpaid state pension? 

Whether you can claim a full basic state pension based on your spouse’s National Insurance record depends on your ages, and if they had a full working life.

The rules are different for those who reached state pension age under the old system before April 6 2016, or the new one afterwards. Steve Webb explains in more detail in a recent column here. 

Anyone with a doubt about the amount of pension they are receiving should contact the Department for Work and Pensions. Its details are here, though delays are likely due to the volume of work staff are dealing with during the coronavirus pandemic. 

You can also write to Steve Webb’s This is Money inbox at [email protected] and put LATE SPOUSE PENSION in the subject line.

If you write to Steve, please include the following information:

1. Your name and date of birth

2. Your BASIC weekly state pension – check the line referring to this on your 2019/2020 or your more recent 2020/2021 annual state pension statement, and send us the basic figure only, not the total you receive.

3. Your late spouse’s name and date of birth

4. Their BASIC weekly state pension at the time of their death, if you know it.

5. Your phone number – this will only be used to follow up this issue, not for any marketing purposes.

6. Yes, in consent to your email and the information in it being forwarded to Steve, who is a partner at pension consultant LCP, in its entirety.

We won’t be able to reply to everyone due to the volume of mail Steve receives, but we will get back to you if we think we can help.


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