Boris Johnson returns to Downing Street after taking his daily exercise

Prime Minister’s perks! Boris Johnson returns to Downing Street after taking his daily exercise in the grounds of Buckingham Palace

  • The Prime Minister returned to No 10 dressed in a red Adidas top and blue shorts
  • His blonde mane was windswept as he stepped out of an armoured Range Rover 
  • The keen runner ramped up a personal war on fat following fight with Covid-19
  • Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19

Boris Johnson appeared in chipper spirits after returning from an early morning workout in the grounds of Buckingham Palace – as he looks to get back on the front foot of the coronavirus crisis following a bruising weekend for the government.

The Prime Minister was seen returning to Downing Street dressed in a red Adidas top and blue shorts after working up a sweat at the royal residence.

His trademark blond mane was windswept as he stepped out of an armoured Range Rover, which whisked him the short journey along the Mall.

Boris Johnson appeared in chipper spirits as he returns to Number 10 after an early morning run in the grounds of Buckingham Palace

A solo Range Rover carrying the PM drives past Buckingham Palace in central London this morning

A solo Range Rover carrying the PM drives past Buckingham Palace in central London this morning

The Prime Minister was seen returning to Downing Street dressed in a red Adidas top and blue shorts after working up a sweat at the royal residence

The Prime Minister was seen returning to Downing Street dressed in a red Adidas top and blue shorts after working up a sweat at the royal residence

A police officer stops a pedestrian as the PM's Range Rover sweeps into a Buckingham Palace entrance

A police officer stops a pedestrian as the PM’s Range Rover sweeps into a Buckingham Palace entrance

A blonde woman dressed in sportswear flanked the premier as he emerged from the SUV which pulled up alongside the fleet of ministerial cars at the back of Number 10. 

Mr Johnson has always been a keen runner but ramped up a personal war on fat after fighting for his life in hospital with Covid-19 last month. 

The Prime Minister, 55, usually takes his daily exercise in nearby St James’s Park, where he was memorably collared by a passer-by, but security concerns are understood to have now ruled out public parks.    

He has been seen jogging with his dog Dilyn, which he shares with fiancée Carrie Symonds, in the grounds of Lambeth Palace.

The Thames-side residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury has been opened to Mr Johnson, but this is believed to be the first time he has been seen at the Palace. 

His trademark blonde mane was windswept as he stepped out of an armoured government Range Rover, which whisked him the short journey along the Mall

His trademark blonde mane was windswept as he stepped out of an armoured government Range Rover, which whisked him the short journey along the Mall

The Prime Minister usually takes his daily jogs in nearby St James's Park, raising eyebrows as to why he exercised in the confines of the Palace (exiting the Palace)

The Prime Minister usually takes his daily jogs in nearby St James’s Park, raising eyebrows as to why he exercised in the confines of the Palace (exiting the Palace)

Mr Johnson has always been a keen runner but ramped up a personal war on fat after fighting for his life in hospital with Covid-19 last month

Mr Johnson has always been a keen runner but ramped up a personal war on fat after fighting for his life in hospital with Covid-19 last month

The sun shone in Westminster this morning, with temperatures expected to climb to 77F in the capital today. 

He looked to start the day right after a weekend of chaos when the spotlight focused on his maverick adviser Dominic Cummings’s lockdown flouting.

After the Number 10 top aide expressed little regret in a high-stakes and unprecedented press conference, Mr Johnson mounted a defence of his right-hand-man at the daily coronavirus briefing.

Mr Cummings has refused to resign after being accused of flouting the lockdown to travel 260 miles to his parents’ farm in Durham – where he also drove 30 miles to a nearby beauty spot during his stay.

He will this week try to wrestle back the agenda on to his easing of the lockdown, as more shops gear up to reopen.

He looked to start the day right after a weekend of chaos when the spotlight focused on his maverick adviser Dominic Cummings's lockdown flouting

He looked to start the day right after a weekend of chaos when the spotlight focused on his maverick adviser Dominic Cummings’s lockdown flouting 

The Prime Minister usually takes his daily jogs in nearby St James's Park, raising eyebrows as to why he exercised in the confines of the Palace

The Prime Minister usually takes his daily jogs in nearby St James’s Park, raising eyebrows as to why he exercised in the confines of the Palace