Facebook starts labeling state-controlled media outlets and blocks their ability to advertise in US

Facebook starts labeling state-controlled media and blocking their ability to advertise in the US

  • The platform will start labeling new organizations it deems state-controlled
  • Among the designated new outlets are the RT and Sputnik
  • It will also ban those outlets from advertising in the US 

Facebook will start labeling state-controlled media that appears on its platform in a bid to help stymie the spread of misinformation.

According to the platform, it will begin a process announced last year of labeling media that is ‘wholly or partially under the editorial control of their government.’

Labels will appear on designated outlets’ pages and also in newsfeeds when their content is posted. 

Facebook has begun labeling state-controlled media in a bid to help steer people away from misinformation ahead of US elections (stock)

The company also sad that it decided to label state-controlled media outlets because, ‘they combine the influence of a media organization with the strategic backing of a state, and we believe people should know if the news they read is coming from a publication that may be under the influence of a government.’

According to Facebook, it will decide which organizations get the designation based on factors like ownership and funding.

It will also take into account whether the organization in question in transparent about where its funding is sourced and editorial policies on things like issuing corrections. 

Among the organizations already sporting the designation are the RT and Sputnik, both of which have been accused of spreading propaganda. 

In addition to labeling those organizations, Facebook also said that it will block them from advertising inside the US but also added that they ‘rarely do so’ to begin with.

According to the platform it’s blocking those ads ‘out of an abundance of caution to provide an extra layer of protection against various types of foreign influence in the public debate ahead of the November 2020 election in the US.’