Seven big firms backed out of state aid

Seven big firms backed out of state aid amid peculation they did not want their names to be made public

Seven companies withdrew from the Bank of England loans scheme last week, prompting speculation they did not want their names to be made public.

Later last week, the Bank published a list of 53 firms that had accessed the Covid Corporate Financing Facility. 

Controversially, a string of companies that claimed a share of the £16.2billion loans are paying dividends or paid no corporation tax last year. Just two weeks ago there were 60 names on the list.

Kevin Hollinrake MP said publication had put pressure on large firms to consider whether they should access public money

Sources suggested some firms may have had very short-term loans or found alternate funding sources.

But Kevin Hollinrake MP said publication had put pressure on large firms to consider whether they should access public money, and reinforced public accountability for taxpayer support. ‘Companies might think twice about seeking the support if they don’t need it,’ he said.

To qualify, companies had to show they had a ‘significant’ workforce in the UK and made a ‘material’ contribution to the economy.