HOROSCOPES: Believe in yourself this week, Cancer

HOROSCOPES: Believe in yourself this week, Cancer

 Cancer 22 JUNE-23 JULY The Sun in your sign at odds with successful Jupiter and power planet Pluto means you’ll be painfully aware of your shortcomings this week and how hard it is to overcome them. Don’t let it depress you. Believe in yourself and the world will believe in you. CALL 0904 470 1164*

 Leo 24 JULY-23 AUG Have you noticed how lucky events – and unlucky ones – often come in threes? There’s a cosmic reason for this but you don’t need to worry about it. What you should worry about is that you’re not caught napping when the third lucky event comes your way. CALL 0904 470 1165*

Virgo 24 AUG-23 SEPT Your greatest enemy is your tendency to believe you’re second best even though, to others, you are far and away in a league of your own. An artistic or creative idea you have this week can be made to work – but you must have confidence in yourself. CALL 0904 470 1166*

Libra 24 SEPT-23 OCT With ambitious Jupiter and driven Pluto strong in your chart, the urge to make something of your life has rarely been greater and you won’t be content to wait for life to come to you. You were born to accomplish a very special task. What it is will soon be clear. CALL 0904 470 1167*

Scorpio 24 OCT-22 NOV The Sun in Cancer clears your mind and boosts your energy so you can think straight and act instantly on a decision. But as the Sun is now opposed by Jupiter and Pluto it might be wise to wait a few days if you don’t want to upset someone close to you. CALL 0904 470 1168*

Sagittarius 23 NOV-21 DEC With your ruler Jupiter at odds with the Sun this week you won’t be able to overcome the obstacles in your path by force of will. A more subtle approach may be needed to settle a financial issue draining your resources faster than you can replenish them. CALL 0904 470 1169*

Capricorn 22 DEC-20 JAN You may be wondering if a decision you took some time ago was a bit too harsh, but before the week is through you’ll reach the conclusion that you weren’t harsh at all. Don’t change a thing – the worst you can do is veer from one extreme to the other. CALL 0904 470 1170*

Aquarius 21 JAN-19 FEB You are honest when you make a mistake – you never pretend you are anything but human. This time, however, it might be wise to keep your head down and not say a thing. If no one has noticed you’ve done something wrong, why draw attention to it? CALL 0904 470 1171*

Pisces 20 Feb-20 March Even if the situation you find yourself in this week is serious in the extreme, a little laughter won’t go amiss. On the contrary, it could be just what is needed to make everyone relax – because the sooner you all relax the sooner the problem can be resolved. CALL 0904 470 1172*

Aries 21 MARCH-20 APRIL Everything will happen at once this week. Just when you start feeling bored something will knock you off your stride. With hindsight you will realise you should have seen it coming but for now you will have to cope with the unexpected any way you can. CALL 0904 470 1161*

Taurus 21 APRIL-21 MAY Some things in your life need changing and some need to be left alone. The only problem is deciding which is which. The Sun at odds with Jupiter and Pluto warns you should think twice before getting rid of something you suspect you might need again. CALL 0904 470 1162*

Gemini 22 MAY-21 JUNE Try not to be defensive about what you want out of life – if it makes you happy it can’t be bad, despite what critics and spoilsports might say. But don’t go to extremes – there are ways to get what you want and stay on speaking terms with those who disagree. CALL 0904 470 1163*


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