Tomato and Burrata Salad | Daily Mail Online

Tomato and Burrata Salad

Serves 4

There are so many wonderful tomatoes to choose from – go to town with colours and shapes. Add burrata for a treat, but otherwise buffalo mozzarella will do nicely.

Arrange the tomatoes on a large shallow plate, tuck in the burrata or mozzarella and the basil or rocket, then pour over 3 tbsp of olive oil and serve

500g assorted tomatoes in different colours and shapes

125g-150g buffalo mozzarella or burrata, torn into 3cm pieces

a few torn basil leaves or handful of rocket

  • Cut out the core (cherry tomatoes excluded), then halve, quarter or slice the tomatoes depending on their size. Place in a bowl, season with sea salt and leave for 30 minutes to draw out the juices.
  • Arrange the tomatoes on a large shallow plate, tuck in the burrata or mozzarella and the basil or rocket, then pour over 3 tbsp of olive oil and serve.