UK Government extends ‘eviction ban’ on landlords by a month

Renters unable to pay their rent will get a further month’s reprieve from being evicted from their homes as the Government moves to protect hundreds of thousands of people.

Ministers are set to announce a four-week extension to the ban on evictions that is due to end on August 23 later today, as the economy struggles to recover from the coronavirus lockdown.

A significant number of landlords had been expected to submit possession applications to courts, prompting fears of a surge in homelessness. 

The new deadline, met by fury by landlords, is to be set at September 20, according to reports. But that prompted fears that a crisis may occur then instead.

Labour leader Keir Starmer said: ‘This eleventh hour U-turn was necessary, but such a brief extension means there is a real risk that this will simply give renters a few more weeks to pack their bags.

Ministers are set to announce a four-week extension to the ban on evictions that is due to end on August 23, as the economy struggles to recover from the coronavirus lockdown

Labour leader Keir Starmer said: 'This eleventh hour U-turn was necessary, but such a brief extension means there is a real risk that this will simply give renters a few more weeks to pack their bags'

Labour leader Keir Starmer said: ‘This eleventh hour U-turn was necessary, but such a brief extension means there is a real risk that this will simply give renters a few more weeks to pack their bags’

‘Boris Johnson has been warned for months about the looming evictions crisis, but stuck his head in the sand.

‘People living in rented accommodation should not be paying the price for this Government’s incompetence.

‘Section 21 evictions must be scrapped and renters must be given proper support. The ban should not be lifted until the Government has a credible plan to ensure that no-one loses their home as a result of coronavirus.’

The move was confirmed in a letter to judges by Master of the Rolls Sir Terence Etherton after a meeting of the civil procedure rule committee (CPRC), which makes rules for county courts.

He said the extension would last until September 20, adding: ‘This four-week extension to stay relating to housing possession cases will allow for further work to be done to prepare for the stay to be lifted which in many respects can be welcomed.’

Charities have said they fear mass evictions around Christmas if the Government does not give judges powers to stop automatic evictions of tenants affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

Renters have been protected during the crisis by a ban announced in March and extended in June, but it was due to end in England and Wales next week.

If lifted without extra protection, charities have warned that tens of thousands of outgoing tenants could be unable to access affordable homes, prompting a ‘devastating homelessness crisis’. 

Polly Neate, chief executive of Shelter, said: ‘The government has today recognised the very real danger that tens of thousands of renters are in. It is right for the government not to lift the ban when it risks exposing people to eviction and the threat of homelessness with no means of defence.

‘The government must use this short window of time wisely to put proper safeguards in place for renters. People are still falling behind on their rent – 230,000 private tenants since March – leaving them vulnerable when the ban does end. And we all know even more economic storm clouds are gathering.

‘A bullet may have been dodged with this extension, but as soon as Parliament returns, it must give judges extra powers to stop renters being evicted because of ”Covid-arrears”. Facing eviction this Christmas, is not a present anybody wants.’

Politicians, public health organisations, councils and charities all warned of the risks associated with lifting the ban.

Sixteen public health organisations believe it could ‘significantly contribute to a rise in coronavirus infections’, with homeless people more likely to have health conditions that increase their vulnerability.

And Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield estimates that 420,000 children will return to school in September with the threat of eviction hanging over them if the ban is not extended.

The Labour Party also called for an extension, in a letter to Justice Secretary Robert Buckland on Friday, saying a ‘tsunami’ of evictions proceedings could overwhelm the courts.

And former communities secretary Lord Eric Pickles told Times Radio ‘it would be really inappropriate to end the ban on evictions’.

Jon Sparkes, chief executive of the charity Crisis, said the ban should ideally remain in place until ‘well into next year’, but if this does not happen the Government must introduce other measures.

But Ben Beadle, chief executive of the National Residential Landlords Association, said: ‘A blanket extension is unacceptable, especially so close to the deadline.

‘An enormous amount of work as gone into finding a balance between supporting tenants who have been affected by the pandemic and preventing significant financial harm to landlords, in accordance with the Government’s promise. This announcement satisfies no-one.

‘Landlords have been left powerless in exercising their legal right to deal with significant arrears unrelated to Covid-19, antisocial behaviour and extremely disruptive tenants who make life miserable for their neighbours and housemates.

‘Private landlords cannot be expected to foot the bill for government failure. There must now be a plan to support households to pay their bills and to compensate landlords fully for their lost income.

‘Only this will give both tenants and landlords security and reduce the risk of widespread tenancy failure.’

A Government spokesman said: ‘We are working on how best to continue supporting renters and landlords during the pandemic and will make an announcement on the next steps shortly.’