Piers Corbyn, 73, arrives at court to stand trial for ‘breaching Covid rules’

Piers Corbyn, 73, hugs supporters and speaks to crowd as he arrives at court to stand trial for ‘breaching Covid rules to attend two anti-lockdown protests in Hyde Park’

  • Piers Corbyn continued to rail against the ‘Covid con’ this morning as he arrived 
  • He addressed around 20 supporters gathered outside Westminster Magistrate’s
  • Ex-Labour leader’s brother unfurled a banner promoting anti-vaccine theories

Piers Corbyn continued to rail against the ‘Covid con’ this morning as he arrived at his trial for allegedly breaching lockdown rules.

Speaking through a megaphone, he told around 20 supporters gathered outside Westminster Magistrate’s Court: ‘If we win, all the Covid convictions so far will be questioned.’

The former Labour leader’s brother unfurled a banner promoting anti-vaccine, anti-lockdown and 5G conspiracy theories, as dozens of police officers watched on.

Mr Corbyn is accused of breaching coronavirus restrictions during anti-lockdown protests in London’s Hyde Park in May.

He denies the charges and says he is fighting the case with a defence maintaining freedom of expression. 

Piers Corbyn ramped up his campaign to end the ‘Covid con’ this morning as he arrived at his trial for allegedly breaching lockdown rules

He arrived at court this morning clutching a plastic bag, before hugging a supporter and addressing the small crowd

Piers Corbyn

He arrived at court this morning clutching a plastic bag, before hugging a supporter and addressing the small crowd

He arrived at court this morning clutching a plastic bag, before hugging a supporter and addressing the small crowd.

He said: ‘Our basic slogan is “end the Covid con, save lives,” thank you,’ which prompted a a couple of people to clap.

The physicist has been a staunch opponent of the Government’s restrictions and has already been fined once for breaching rules.

Large gatherings are banned under emergency legislation to wrestle down the pandemic.

But Mr Corbyn insists he has been ‘specifically targeted’ by the police and will point out the comparatively few arrests at Black Lives Matter protests during the summer, according to the Evening Standard.

He was also arrested last week by Avon and Somerset Police when he took part in the Stand Up Bristol demonstration.   

The force had repeatedly warned organisers that the event was not allowed and of the risks it presented of increasing the spread of Covid-19, it said.  

Piers Corbyn hugs a supporter outside the court as he arrives for his trial this morning

Piers Corbyn hugs a supporter outside the court as he arrives for his trial this morning