Trinny London skincare is FINALLY here: everything you need to know about Trinny Woodall’s new range

Trinny Woodall’s new range aims to demystify the world of skincare by dividing it into easy-to-understand chapters (Trinny pictured)

Speaking exclusively to MAIL BEST, Trinny said: My skincare routine has developed over the years. I cleanse my skin thoroughly in the morning, and I use my new Be Your Best Cleanser.

‘And then I use some form of an acid, and it’s a soft one, like a PHA,’ although sometimes, she’ll mix it with something else because she hasn’t ‘found the perfect acid out there’.

Next, Trinny likes to apply vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that protects skin from free radicals (such as sunlight, smoke and pollution), and it also brightens. 

Vitamin C also builds collagen and increases cell turnover to lighten hyperpigmentation to keep skin from looking dull.

‘It’s really important that you find ones that aren’t abrasive on the surface of the skin,’ she said, adding that ‘if you’ve got incredibly sensitive skin Garden of Wisdom’s C-Deep is great, and if you want high levels, Allies of Skin and SkinCeuticals are good Vitamin C brands.’

To moisturise, Trinny reaches for her very own BFF Skin Perfector SPF30 in the summer and in the winter will use something more nourishing. ‘I love Subtle Energies from Australia,’ she recommended. ‘It’s a premium brand, and it’s beautiful.’

‘In the evening, I always doubled cleansed to take off my makeup with Trinny London Be Your Best, and the Better Off to get my skin really clean,’ she said. ‘Then I do use an AHA and generally mix a few together to get the right combination that I love.

‘Then I go on to a retinol – I like products that are retinals, not retinol. I don’t like retinols that are too soft to do nothing or those that are really abrasive on skin,’ she added.

‘We’ve done a really nice retinol film at Trinny London where we went through what the types of retinols you should look for in a product.

‘But there are some brands out there that have very nice retinols, and it depends what your skin can take, and you’ve always got to listen to your skin.’

Rather than applying a heavy moisturiser at night, Trinny likes to use peptides, a protein that can stimulate new cells to grow and help skin cells to heal.

‘In the past, I’ve used BIOEFFECT EGF Serum and other types of peptides. In the winter, maybe I might use a bit of moisturiser as well, but I like to stick to that likeness in my night-time routine.’

Source: Trinny Woodall