Sunny side upgrade: Smoked cod and manchego revueltos 

Sunny side upgrade: Smoked cod and manchego revueltos

Omelette Arnold Bennett inspires this Spanish scramble. Smoked fish, melted cheese and silky leeks make for a gorgeous egg creation.


6 medium eggs

15g unsalted butter

200g leeks (trimmed weight), halved lengthways and sliced across

350g smoked cod or haddock fillet (skinned weight), cut into 2cm-3cm pieces

100g grated manchego

coarsely chopped flat-leaf parsley, to serve

  • Whisk the eggs with a little salt and pepper in a medium bowl.
  • Heat a large nonstick frying pan over a medium heat, add the butter and once this melts add the leeks, season and fry for about 3 minutes until softened and lightly coloured. Scatter over the fish and fry for a further 3 minutes, stirring occasionally and turning the pieces until they lose their translucency.
  • Scatter the cheese over the fish and leeks, then evenly pour over the eggs and cook for about 3 minutes in total, turning the mixture with a spatula every 30-45 seconds as it sets and lightly colours. It should remain slightly creamy at the end. Serve scattered with chopped parsley and plenty of hot buttered toast.


