PM’s adviser Dominic Cummings carries belongings out of No10 after leaving ‘with immediate effect’

Boris Johnson’s top advisor Dominic Cummings sensationally quit Downing Street with immediate effect tonight – strolling out the front door of Number 10 with a box in his hands.  He chose to walk out into the full glare of the Downing Street cameras tonight after a brutal reckoning that saw his closest ally Lee Cain fall on his … Read more

North Korea ‘is training elite dolphins to clear mines and attack enemy frogmen’

North Korea ‘is training elite dolphins to clear mines and attack enemy frogmen’ in carbon-copy of America’s Navy programme North Korea is training dolphins as part of its naval force, evidence suggests Satellite images show animal pens at a naval base in Nampo, on the west coast The Naval Marine Mammal Program dates back to … Read more

PM’s adviser Dominic Cummings carries belongings out of No10 after leaving ‘with immediate effect’

Boris Johnson’s top advisor Dominic Cummings sensationally quit Downing Street with immediate effect tonight – strolling out the front door of Number 10 with a box in his hands.  He chose to walk out into the full glare of the Downing Street cameras tonight after a brutal reckoning that saw his closest ally Lee Cain fall on his … Read more

Police and RSPCA raid suspected puppy farm on Sussex traveller site before ‘rescuing dogs’

Police and RSPCA raid suspected puppy farm on Sussex traveller site before rescuing five dogs It is understood that puppies and dogs were removed from the site this morning The traveller site is operated by the Brighton and Hove City Council Puppy farms have been illegal since ‘Lucy’s Law’ came into force in Spring 2020   … Read more

Sketch suggests Michelangelo could have been behind mystery carving on Florence town hall

A delicate wall carving of a curly-haired man on Florence’s town hall could be the work of Michelangelo, a historian has claimed.  For years, tour guides in the Italian city have said the small outline of the man chiseled into the stone wall of the Palazzo Vecchio is by the famous artist and sculptor. Academics … Read more

Coronavirus Ireland: Expats may defy Christmas travel restrictions

Irish expats have reacted with fury after being told they shouldn’t expect to be allowed home for Christmas this year – with some vowing to make the journey regardless.  Leo Varadkar, Ireland’s deputy head of government, yesterday warned people not to book flights home for the holidays, while the country’s chief medical officer Tony Holohan … Read more