Dame Sally Davies accused of trying to worm her way out of PHE’s shambolic role in Covid pandemic

Dame Sally Davies has been accused of trying to worm her way out of blame for Public Health England’s shambolic role in Covid-19 pandemic Dame Sally Davies was today accused of trying to worm her way out of blame for Public Health England’s shambolic role in Covid-19 pandemic. England’s former chief medical officer launched a … Read more

City worker, 44, sobs in dock and screams ‘you killed her’ at handyman lover, 45

A £90,000-a-year financial consultant today burst into tears in the dock and screamed: ‘You killed her’ at her handyman boyfriend as they were both convicted of shaking their four-week-old baby to death. Clare Sanders, 44, and Thomas Vaitkevicius, 45, attacked Eva on at least three separate occasions during her short life and were guilty of … Read more

Sales of camper vans soaring more than 150 per cent since first lockdown in March

Britons go motorhome mad with sales of camper vans soaring more than 150 per cent since first lockdown in March Flash motorhomes – some with jacuzzis – sell between £50,000 to £100,000 Poll found 71 per cent Britons would love a trip in posh motorhome at Christmas Celebrity fans include Dame Helen Mirren, Gwyneth Paltrow, Beyonce and … Read more

City worker, 44, sobs in dock and screams ‘you killed her’ at handyman lover, 45

A £90,000-a-year financial consultant today burst into tears in the dock and screamed: ‘You killed her’ at her handyman boyfriend as they were both convicted of shaking their four-week-old baby to death. Clare Sanders, 44, and Thomas Vaitkevicius, 45, attacked Eva on at least three separate occasions during her short life, the Old Bailey jury … Read more

RAF airman, 23, who vanished after night out in 2016 ‘died in the back of dustbin lorry’

Missing RAF airman Corrie McKeague is believed to have died in the back of a dustbin lorry after climbing into a Greggs industrial bin while drunk, an inquest has heard.   Mr McKeague, of Dunfermline, Fife, was 23 when he vanished in the early hours of September 24, 2016 after a night out in Bury St … Read more

‘Britain’s smallest home’ could be yours for just £3: Builder, 29, raffles £20,000 house on wheels

‘Britain’s smallest home’ could be yours for just £3: Builder, 29, raffles £20,000 house on wheels he created for himself after being made homeless during lockdown George Rose from Bristol turned his trailer into a tiny home during lockdown  Builder, 29, is now selling raffle tickets for £3 and has hit his target of 5,000 sold  The 22ft … Read more

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are in for a rude awakening should they go back to New York

As her father faces down the political tide with a furious stare, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner know that the jig is up. And while they haven’t handed in their his-and-her security passes quite yet, they have urged the President to accept defeat. So back to New York they go, to their $4.1million Manhattan apartment … Read more