Cabinet at war over the rule of six: Almost every minister on committee argued against stringent ban

Boris Johnson’s Covid clampdown has divided his Cabinet, it emerged last night. He faces a fierce Tory backlash over the contentious ‘rule of six’ that bans gatherings of seven or more from Monday. A string of senior ministers opposed the measure at a crunch meeting, with Chancellor Rishi Sunak among those to speak out. A … Read more

More schools face shutdown if coronavirus infections among children rise

More school closures could happen if infections among school aged children rise, the chief medical officer hinted last night. Professor Chris Whitty said the Government’s policy on schools may be ‘looked at again’ if the coronavirus crisis deepens. His comments come as at least three schools closed due to Covid-19 outbreaks this week, while dozens more … Read more

More schools face shutdown if coronavirus infections among children rise

More school closures could happen if infections among school aged children rise, the chief medical officer hinted last night. Professor Chris Whitty said the Government’s policy on schools may be ‘looked at again’ if the coronavirus crisis deepens. His comments come as at least three schools closed due to Covid-19 outbreaks this week, while dozens more … Read more

So has No. 10 REALLY got its science right? Almost all Covid fatalities are among older people

After spending three months in strict lockdown, millions of Britons in their teens or twenties have spent the summer embracing a return to relative normality. They have flocked to pubs and restaurants to make the most of Eat Out to Help Out, jetted off on holiday with friends or snuck into illegal raves. But, with … Read more

So has No. 10 REALLY got its science right? Almost all Covid fatalities are among older people

After spending three months in strict lockdown, millions of Britons in their teens or twenties have spent the summer embracing a return to relative normality. They have flocked to pubs and restaurants to make the most of Eat Out to Help Out, jetted off on holiday with friends or snuck into illegal raves. But, with … Read more

How Belgium flattened the curve

Belgium was able to curtail a second wave of coronavirus by limiting the number of people who can socialise together and imposing a nationwide curfew, data shows, as the UK looks to follow in its footsteps. At a Downing Street press conference today, Professor Chris Whitty used Belgium as a shining example of a country that … Read more

How Belgium flattened the curve

Belgium was able to curtail a second wave of coronavirus by limiting the number of people who can socialise together and imposing a nationwide curfew, data shows, as the UK looks to follow in its footsteps. At a Downing Street press conference today, Professor Chris Whitty used Belgium as a shining example of a country that … Read more

Four ministries at war: JASON GROVES examines the inside story of the UK’s quarantine rules

The controversial quarantine policy has been marred by inconsistencies and Whitehall infighting since it began. The policy may have wrecked thousands of family holidays, and driven the aviation industry to the brink, but remarkably, no one single Government minister or department is fully accountable for it. The Department for Transport, the Foreign Office, The Department … Read more

Back to normal by Christmas? Hancock says rapid testing is ‘best shot’ at ending social distancing

The UK could get back to normal by Christmas if the rapid coronavirus testing being trialled by the Government is successful, Matt Hancock said today. The Health Secretary, who has announced a £500million investment in a mass on-the-spot saliva testing regime, said it was the ‘best shot’ at ending social distancing. Although treatments for the … Read more

Back to normal by Christmas? Hancock says rapid testing is ‘best shot’ at ending social distancing

The UK could get back to normal by Christmas if the rapid coronavirus testing being trialled by the Government is successful, Matt Hancock said today. The Health Secretary, who has announced a £500million investment in a mass on-the-spot saliva testing regime, said it was the ‘best shot’ at ending social distancing. Although treatments for the … Read more