STEPHEN GLOVER: Why I now have an inkling of what it must be like to live in a dictatorship

The chaotic and haphazard way in which a new lockdown was announced on Saturday evening symbolised Boris Johnson’s disorganised approach to the pandemic over the past eight months. Nearly three hours late, the Prime Minister stood uneasily at his lectern, flanked by the two familiar ‘gloomsters’ — Sir Patrick Vallance and Professor Chris Whitty.  They … Read more

Boris Johnson is blasted from all sides over winter lockdown

Boris Johnson has been slammed as ‘incompetent’ for his disastrous handling of the pandemic as he last night bowed to pressure to put England back into a full lockdown. In a heavily delayed press conference, the Prime Minister yesterday said he had taken the ‘incredibly difficult’ decision to reimpose restrictions almost as draconian as those seen … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Daily infections hit 24,701 although cases DROP

Britain’s daily number of Covid-19 cases dropped today for the first time in a month as health officials announced 24,701 more infections amid hopes the second wave could finally be tailing off. Department of Health statistics show 26,688 positive coronavirus tests were added to the Government’s count last Wednesday. It means today is the first … Read more

SAGE experts warn second wave will be deadlier than the first

Boris Johnson has been warned by his scientific advisers that the UK is facing a second wave of coronavirus even deadlier than the first as they urge the Prime Minister to impose tougher lockdown rules.  The Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) has presented the PM with projections which suggest the peak of the … Read more

SAGE experts warn second wave will be deadlier than the first

Boris Johnson has been warned by his scientific advisers that the UK is facing a second wave of coronavirus even deadlier than the first as they urge the Prime Minister to impose tougher lockdown rules.  The Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) has presented the PM with projections which suggest the peak of the … Read more

Coronavirus UK: 90k may be infected every day, says Patrick Vallance

UK announces 21,242 more coronavirus cases and 189 deaths as Sir Patrick Vallance claims up to 90,000 people could be getting infected every day in England – but he admits the outbreak IS slowing Chief scientific officer today held TV briefing with Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak Showed slide estimating new daily cases in England … Read more

Coronavirus UK: 90k may be infected every day, says Patrick Vallance

UK announces 189 more coronavirus deaths as Sir Patrick Vallance claims up to 90,000 people could be getting infected every day in England – but he admits outbreak IS slowing Chief scientific officer today held TV briefing with Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak Showed slide estimating new daily cases in England could be 22,000 or … Read more

Hopes rise that Covid cases are being driven down because young people have started following rules

Coronavirus cases are being driven down because young people have been shocked into following lockdown rules, according to officials. The claim comes despite warnings of tens of thousands more deaths on the horizon with the number of infections among the elderly rapidly increasing. Matt Hancock yesterday chaired a ‘gold’ meeting on the pandemic, and was … Read more

Hopes rise that Covid cases are being driven down because young people have started following rules

Coronavirus cases are being driven down because young people have been shocked into following lockdown rules, according to officials. The claim comes despite warnings of tens of thousands more deaths on the horizon with the number of infections among the elderly rapidly increasing. Matt Hancock yesterday chaired a ‘gold’ meeting on the pandemic, and was … Read more

World could get a Covid-19 vaccine in the next few months but the virus will exist ‘forever’

A coronavirus vaccine could be available before the end of winter but the world should still be preparing to cope with Covid ‘for evermore’, a SAGE scientist said today. Epidemiologist Professor John Edmunds, who is part of the Government’s scientific advisory group, believes there is very little chance that coronavirus will be eradicated completely.  But … Read more