Susanna Reid chokes back tears as she pays tribute to NHS staff who died

Susanna Reid chokes back tears as she pays tribute to NHS staff who died in battle against coronavirus… as she recalls her horror after jogger SPAT near her during daily walk

  • Five medical professionals have tragically died while working to stop the deadly spread of the disease across the United Kingdom
  • Reflecting on their loss, Susanna, 49, was visibly moved as she read out their names while presenting the latest edition of GMB
  • Attempting to regain her composure, she completed her tribute by adding: ‘We thank you for your service’
  • Susanna also revealed she was appalled after someone coughed in her direction while she was out on her daily walk 
  • Coronavirus COVID-19 has so far claimed 2,352 lives across Britain, with the country on lockdown until further notice

Susanna Reid fought back tears on Thursday morning as she paid an emotional tribute to the frontline NHS workers who have lost their lives in the battle against coronavirus COVID-19. 

Five medical professionals have tragically died while working to stop the deadly spread of the disease across the United Kingdom, among them retired doctor Alfa Sa’adu, who fell ill after returning to work specifically to help overstretched essential workers.   

Thomas Harvey, a father of seven, also passed away after contracting the virus while assisting a patient, while organ transplant specialist Adil El Tayar is the first NHS surgeon to lose his life to the virus. 

Moving: Susanna Reid fought back tears on Thursday morning as she paid an emotional tribute to the frontline NHS workers who have lost their lives in the battle against coronavirus COVID-19

Ear, nose and throat consultant Amged El- Hawrani and doctor Habib Zaidi have also died of the airborne respiratory disease, which has so far claimed 2,352 lives across Britain. 

And reflecting on their loss, Susanna, 49, was visibly moved as she read out their names while presenting the latest edition of GMB alongside co-host Ben Shepherd and resident doctor Hilary Jones. 

Attempting to regain her composure, she added: ‘We thank you for your service.’ 

Devastating: Five medical professionals have tragically died while working to stop the deadly spread of the disease across the United Kingdom

Devastating: Five medical professionals have tragically died while working to stop the deadly spread of the disease across the United Kingdom 

Difficult: Reflecting on their loss, Susanna, 49, was visibly moved as she read out their names while presenting the latest edition of GMB

Difficult: Reflecting on their loss, Susanna, 49, was visibly moved as she read out their names while presenting the latest edition of GMB

Susanna, who returned to work this week after spending two weeks in self-isolation, also revealed she was appalled after someone coughed in her direction while flouting government mandated guidelines regarding social distancing.  

She recalled: ‘When I went out walking the other day, a runner ran past me and then coughed and then spat’ 

Asking for advice from Doctor Hilary, she added: ‘It is normal for runners to do that in normal situations. It is not particularly pleasant. Surely right now, it is spreading the virus?’ 

Side by side: Susanna presented Thursday's edition of Good Morning Britain alongside co-host Ben Shepherd

Side by side: Susanna presented Thursday’s edition of Good Morning Britain alongside co-host Ben Shepherd

Actively discouraging the  practice of spitting while jogging, he advised: ‘When you are running you produce more saliva and you do see runners spit the saliva away.

‘Of course it is coming from the mouth and throat and potentially if you are carrying the virus the virus would exist on the ground or wherever for unto a few hours.  

‘It is not a nice habit and something to be discouraged but it is not a major threat.’  

Stay away: On a lighter note, the presenter admitted her three son, Sam, 18, Finn, 16, and Jack, 15 have banned her from embracing the current celebrity craze for Tik Tok videos

Stay away: On a lighter note, the presenter admitted her three son, Sam, 18, Finn, 16, and Jack, 15 have banned her from embracing the current celebrity craze for Tik Tok videos 

On a lighter note, the presenter admitted her three son, Sam, 18, Finn, 16, and Jack, 15 have banned her from embracing the current celebrity craze for Tik Tok videos. 

The social media platform has become an increasingly popular pastime as people come terms with life behind closed doors, but Susanna admitted she children are aghast whenever she attempts to use it. 

‘I’m not allowed to do any Tik Toks – that’s a law,’ she sad. ‘ And every time I look at a Tik Tok and go, “look at this, this is hilarious”, they go, “get away from the Tik Tok”.’