Only THREE of England’s 3,302 coronavirus deaths so far are aged under 20

Only three of England’s deaths from coronavirus have been in people less than 20 years old, data shows, while 92 per cent have been in people aged over 60.

Britain saw its darkest day of the pandemic yesterday as deaths surged by 684 to 3,605. The vast majority, 3,302, have been recorded in England.

The official figures, published by NHS England, reinforce the need for social distancing measures to halt the spread of the disease through the population and particularly to those at risk.  

Those most at risk from coronavirus are aged over 80, which account for 52 per cent of deaths

The numbers suggest those most at risk from coronavirus are people more than 80 years old, which account for 52 per cent of cases.

The next most affected group is those aged between 60 and 79, which account for 39 per cent of cases.

The remaining nine per cent of deaths are in people aged between 59 and zero. Seven per cent are in those aged 40 to 59, 0.8 per cent in those aged 20 to 39 and 0.09 per cent in those aged zero to 19.

As many as 1,749 people over 80 have died from coronavirus, the highest number, followed by 1,291 people between 60 and 79 years old, 233 people between 40 and 59, 26 people between 20 and 39 and three people aged between zero and 19.

The age of one victim is yet to be verified. The figures account for deaths up until 5pm on April 2 and in England only.

There have been 303 deaths from coronavirus in the rest of the country, with 126 in Scotland, 141 in Wales and 36 in Northern Ireland. 

Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab, 13, is believed to have died at King's College Hospital in London

Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab, 13, is believed to have died at King’s College Hospital in London

News of the boy's death was shared on a GoFundMe post created by Madinah College, a mosque in Brixton, to raise money for his funeral

News of the boy’s death was shared on a GoFundMe post created by Madinah College, a mosque in Brixton, to raise money for his funeral

A 13-year-old boy with no underlying health conditions is believed to be Britain’s youngest victim. He died alone at King’s College Hospital on March 30.

Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab, from Brixton in south London, was put on a ventilator and into an induced coma before his death.

His family, who also recently lost his father to cancer, said they were ‘beyond devastated’ by his loss. Madinah College, Brixton, set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for his funeral.

A 108-year-old grandmother who survived two world wars and the Spanish flu is believed to be Britain’s oldest coronavirus victim.

Hilda Churchill, who tested positive less than a day before her death, had been in isolation at a care home in Salford, Greater Manchester, for more than a week.

She died on March 28, shortly before her 109th birthday on April 5.

Hilda Churchill (pictured with a photograph of the Queen) survived two world wars and the Spanish flu but she tragically passed away after catching coronavirus

Hilda Churchill (pictured with a photograph of the Queen) survived two world wars and the Spanish flu but she tragically passed away after catching coronavirus

The UK has recorded 38,168 cases of coronavirus, with hospitals reportedly overwhelmed by the influx of new patients.

The COVID symptom tracker app, developed by King’s College London with Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust, has suggested 1.9million people could be infected. Users are asked to report symptoms every day in order to give the figure. 

The government has responded by ordering the construction of several NHS Nightingale hospitals, including in London, Manchester and Birmingham, to take in the influx of patients.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said the government aims to ramp up coronavirus testing to 100,000 a day by the end of this month.

World Health Organisation’s Dr Maria Van Kerkhove has warned: ‘We are seeing more and more younger people who are experiencing severe disease.

‘What we are seeing in some countries, individuals who are in their 30s, 40s and 50s who are in ICU and have died.

‘Some of these individuals have underlying health conditions, but some have not.’