Almost three quarters of Britons think social distancing measures have a good impact on the planet

Almost three quarters of Britons think coronavirus social distancing measures have had a positive impact on the planet, a study found.

The study of 2,000 adults also found that two in five people are planning to live more eco-friendly lives when lockdown restrictions are lifted.

After weeks of limited driving, as many as 20 per cent of people are considering using their car less in the future to cut their carbon footprint.

Meanwhile, 27 per cent of those surveyed said that they are planning to reduce the amount of rubbish they throw away.

Others intend to eat less or no meat at all, buy fewer clothes and shop locally once restrictions are relaxed.

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Almost three quarters of Britons think coronavirus social distancing measures have had a positive impact on the planet, a study found. The study of 2,000 adults also found that two in five people are planning to live more eco-friendly lives when lockdown restrictions are lifted

The research, commissioned by Évian, is being released in conjunction with the brand’s announcement of achieving a carbon neutral certification.

‘The last few weeks have shown how changes to our lifestyles can have a huge environmental knock-on effect,’ said Évian global brand vice president Shweta Harit.

‘The nation is becoming increasingly aware of the fragile state of the planet and it’s interesting to see how people are now looking to do more to address their own carbon footprint once social distancing ends.’

The study also found that 69 per cent of people agreed that social distancing has caused them to think more about the health of the planet and the fragile state it’s in.

As many as seven in 10 are now more aware of humanity’s impact on nature, and 59 per cent are more concerned about preserving the natural world.

In fact, more than three-fifths of those surveyed are worried that the impact coronavirus has had on the UK economy might mean that companies are less concerned about reaching environmental targets or prioritising green initiatives.

However, people appear set to take matters into their own hands, for example by looking to take part in community clean-ups when social distancing comes to an end and using more public transport and walking more.

Almost three quarters of people also believe that working from home has helped to reduce their carbon footprint.

Given the current circumstances, 28 per cent of people are now considering flying less in the future to reduce their impact on the planet, while 12 per cent are planning to having more ‘staycations’.

However, it’s not just the environment which is benefiting from lockdown — with nearly three in 10 people finding that they are speaking to friends and relatives more, while 22 per cent report feeling more relaxed.

However, it’s not just the environment which is benefiting from lockdown, the survey results revealed — with nearly three in 10 people finding that they are speaking to friends and relatives more, pictured, while 22 per cent report feeling more relaxed

However, it’s not just the environment which is benefiting from lockdown, the survey results revealed — with nearly three in 10 people finding that they are speaking to friends and relatives more, pictured, while 22 per cent report feeling more relaxed

The research, conducted via OnePoll, also revealed what Britons believe to be the ‘silver linings’ of the COVID-19 restrictions.

As many as 63 per cent of respondents agreed that recognising the importance of key workers — such as NHS and retail staff — was a positive change.

Furthermore, 21 per cent lauded how people are taking more care of public spaces.

Half of those polled also said this time has allowed people to ‘slow down’, allowing them to pick up new hobbies or spend more time with family at home.

Half of those polled also said this time has allowed people to ‘slow down’, allowing them to pick up new hobbies or spend more time with family at home

Half of those polled also said this time has allowed people to ‘slow down’, allowing them to pick up new hobbies or spend more time with family at home

‘At Évian, lessening our own environmental footprint continues to be a top priority,’ said Ms Harit.

‘The current health crisis should provide us all with a renewed impetus to do more and effect long-lasting change, even in the face of these current challenges.’

‘We believe that climate change is a real threat both today and for future generations — so we must all act now.’