RUTH SUNDERLAND: Green light to print money

One fear among some economists about the policy response to the virus is that we are storing up huge trouble and at some point down the line it will create an inflationary boom.

The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) raised the spectre of rampant inflation yesterday, warning of the huge increase in the national debt and deficit and the high rate of growth in the money supply.

By the middle to end of next year, the IEA believes, the pandemic will be quelled, there will be a bounce in markets, a surge in demand – and inflation will take off.

The rate of inflation for May is at its lowest for four years, at just 0.5 per cent, well below the Bank of England target of 2 per cent

Anyone old enough to remember the 1970s or to have learned about it in their economics lessons will know how corrosive inflation can be to the social fabric. As of now, however, it looks a distant prospect.

The rate for May is at its lowest for four years, at just 0.5 per cent, well below the Bank of England target of 2 per cent.

This paves the way for the Bank today to embark on more quantitative easing (QE), which is often described as printing money, but more accurately involves central banks creating digital cash and using it to buy government bonds to pump-prime spending and investment.

It works by driving down the interest rate on the bonds, which in turn depresses the rate on mortgages and other loans, making it cheaper for people and firms to spend.

Hey presto! Except that all the spending might drive prices higher and fuel inflation. This is not visible on the horizon. Lockdown has wiped out demand in various categories of spending, including entertainment.

People who are still in work have turned into enforced savers, unable to splash out even if they wanted.

And the prospect of mass unemployment when furlough ends means people are less confident about spending. 

For those lucky enough still to have a job in the coming months, there is likely to be downward pressure on wages and salaries, all of which weighs against inflation taking off. It may well fall further over the next few months.

When central banks launched a barrage of QE after the financial crisis a decade ago, economists warned it would lead to runaway price inflation. They were wrong. What did happen, however, was asset inflation.

All that money flooding the economy was looking for a home and found one, literally, in the property market – and in shares.

The effect has been to entrench inequalities between, crudely speaking, the old and the rich versus the young and the poor.

And the prospect of QE is the main explanation for the rebound in stock markets, regardless of the fact the virus is far from defeated. 

Traders are buying on the basis central banks will step in with hundreds of billions of pounds of further stimulus.

QE was a supposedly short-term emergency measure. That is not how it has turned out. Some experts believe by this time next year we will have £1trillion of QE and that it will be another ten years or more before it is unwound. Quite a thought.

HSBC troubles

The job losses announced this week at HSBC have been long in the planning.

New boss Noel Quinn has been looking at cutting costs across the bank with an eye to scaling back in France, where it has a troubled retail division, and in the US where it has two distinct operations on the east and west coasts.

There will be pain in the UK, where the bank is intending to slim down its investment banking and trading.

Cutting jobs is never pleasurable and to add to Quinn’s troubles, the bank has recently become a political football between Beijing and the Trump administration in Washington. 

Vice-president Mike Pence went so far as to admonish HSBC for its ‘kowtow’ to China over the new national security laws it wants in Hong Kong.

The bank’s support for Beijing has gone down badly here, as the coronavirus has been a catalyst for increasing distrust towards China and its involvement in UK business.

If the situation escalates, it is conceivable that HSBC may face a consumer boycott, as Barclays Bank did in the 1980s over apartheid.

Quinn’s predecessors used to bellyache about Britain imposing levies and taxes, and would issue barely concealed threats to shift the HQ away from London.

The realpolitik is HSBC may be forced to make that choice. It makes the vast bulk of its profit in Hong Kong, far less in the US and losses in Europe. Quinn cannot afford to offend the Chinese regime.

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