Trump campaign releases parody video of president scoring touchdown after release from hospital

BREAKING NEWS: Trump campaign releases parody video of the president hurdling a defender and scoring a touchdown just minutes after he was released from Walter Reed to finish his COVID treatment at the White House

  • The clip, which is a parody of a San Francisco 49ers game highlight, shows Donald Trump’s face on the body of rookie wide receiver, Brandon Aiyuk
  • Video shows Trump hurdling a defender that appeared to be the coronavirus 
  • Trump is then seen making a touchdown before being tackled by another player 
  • The parody comes shortly after Trump left the Walter Reed hospital on Monday  
  • Trump was diagnosed with COVID-19 just days after the presidential debate 

Donald Trump’s campaign released a parody video of the president dodging what appeared to be the coronavirus before scoring a touchdown shortly after he was released from the hospital to finish his COVID-19 treatment at the White House. 

In the clip, which is a parody of a San Francisco 49ers game highlight, shows Trump’s face on the body of rookie wide receiver, Brandon Aiyuk. 

The video shows Trump hurdling a defender that appeared to be the coronavirus.

Donald Trump’s campaign released a parody video of the president dodging what appeared to be the coronavirus before scoring a touchdown shortly after he was released from the hospital to finish his COVID-19 treatment at the White House

In the clip, which is a parody of a San Francisco 49ers game highlight, shows Trump's face on the body of rookie wide receiver, Brandon Aiyuk. The video then shows Trump scoring a touchdown

In the clip, which is a parody of a San Francisco 49ers game highlight, shows Trump’s face on the body of rookie wide receiver, Brandon Aiyuk. The video then shows Trump scoring a touchdown 

Trump is then seen making a touchdown before being tackled by another player. 

The real moment occurred during an NFL game between the 49ers and the Philadelphia Eagles on Sunday night. 

Trump walked out of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Monday and took Marine One back to the White House. He took off his mask almost immediately despite being sick with COVID and depending on a cocktail of experimental drugs for his recovery.   

Trump saluted, waved, and then started filming a video on the balcony of the South Portico, returning to an executive mansion where multiple aides and household staff also have the virus, and from where he promises he will soon leave to hit the campaign trail.

Removing his mask was a jarring end to three days of drama that saw him medevaced to Walter Reed on Marine One on Friday, revealed to have been on oxygen repeatedly, and treated with drugs not available to ordinary Americans. 

The campaign released the video just 24 hours after senior campaign adviser, Jason Miller, said that the president is ready to lead the response against COVID-19.

Donald Trump, whose infection with COVID-19 was confirmed at 1am on Friday, removed his face mask on Monday night

The president gave his trademark pose of two thumbs up as he returned home after his hospital treatment

The president gave his trademark pose of two thumbs up as he returned home after his hospital treatment

In an interview with CNN, Miller said that protocols at upcoming rallies won’t change as Trump looks to build momentum and ‘beat [COVID-19] as a country’ in the weeks leading up to the November 3 election. 

Miller said: ‘Importantly, when I was talking with the president just about 15 or 20 minutes ago, he said another thing that I found very telling. He said, “I know what it’s like to go through this. We’re going to beat this as a country. When I get out of here we’re going to be talking a lot about COVID and how we go and beat it as a country.”‘

‘I think there‘s a level of understanding as someone whose gone through it himself where he can relate with people, understanding people have gone through this covid virus, this China virus, that has hit us,’ Miller, who defended Trump’s actions, said. 

‘And this is the most important thing facing this country and president Trump is ready to lead on it,’ he added.