Scottish seafood firms are ‘days from collapse’

Scottish seafood firms are just ‘days from collapse’ unless emergency cash is paid out to compensate for the Brexit border chaos, industry leaders have warned – as one fishermen threaten to dump tons of rotting stock outside No10.  Desperate bosses said they face imminent closure as they urged Boris Johnson to deliver on his pledge to finally … Read more

Care home Covid cases TRIPLE in a month: MOST outbreaks are among elderly residents

Covid outbreaks in care homes have more than trebled in a month meaning infection levels are now similar to the peak of the first wave amid growing fears residents are not being given the vaccine fast enough.  Date from Public Health England (PHE) reveals that in the week to January 14, there were 977 outbreaks … Read more

Scottish seafood firms are ‘days from collapse’

Scottish seafood firms are just ‘days from collapse’ unless emergency cash is paid out to compensate for the Brexit border chaos, industry leaders have warned – as one fishermen threaten to dump tons of rotting stock outside No10.  Desperate bosses said they face imminent closure as they urged Boris Johnson to deliver on his pledge to finally … Read more

Boris is urged to seize on UK curbing Covid surge by DOUBLING jabs target

Boris Johnson was urged to double his target for 14million vaccinations by mid-February today amid signs brutal lockdowns have finally started to curb the coronavirus outbreak. The PM is facing demands to take advantage of the space created by the brutal restrictions as figures showed the number of jabs being administered is rocketing over 290,000 … Read more

Care home Covid cases TRIPLE in a month: MOST outbreaks are among elderly residents

Covid outbreaks in care homes have more than trebled in a month meaning infection levels are now similar to the peak of the first wave amid growing fears residents are not being given the vaccine fast enough.  Date from Public Health England (PHE) reveals that in the week to January 14, there were 977 outbreaks … Read more

Government denies claims its schools testing plans have been thrown into chaos

Government denies claims its schools testing plans have been thrown into chaos because the medical regulator has refused to green-light using the necessary kits Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency ‘would not sign off’ Reportedly objected to the use of rapid 30-minute lateral flow tests for pupils  Government has denied the claims and defended its … Read more

Government denies claims its schools testing plans have been thrown into chaos

Government denies claims its schools testing plans have been thrown into chaos because the medical regulator has refused to green-light using the necessary kits Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency ‘would not sign off’ Reportedly objected to the use of rapid 30-minute lateral flow tests for pupils  Government has denied the claims and defended its … Read more

Pimlico Plumbers plans to adopt ‘no jab, no job’ vaccine rule

Pimlico Plumbers plans to adopt ‘no jab, no job’ vaccine rule for workers but boss says he won’t sack staff who refuse it Charlie Mullins, of Pimlico Plumbers, is considering adopting ‘no jab, no job’ rule  He says he has spoken with lawyers about making jab mandatory for new hires  Mr Mullins added that he … Read more

Covid UK: Britons gather outside their homes for second week of renewed Clap for Heroes

Britons gathered outside their homes to take part in the second Clap for Heroes of the third national lockdown last night as NHS staff protested Boris Johnson’s handling of the pandemic outside Downing Street. Residents in Saltburn, Yorkshire, and Surrey wore fairy lights, banged pans and decorated their balconies with flowers spelling ‘NHS’ during the second … Read more

Covid UK: Britons gather outside their homes for second week of renewed Clap for Heroes

Britons gathered outside their homes to take part in the second Clap for Heroes of the third national lockdown last night as NHS staff protested Boris Johnson’s handling of the pandemic outside Downing Street. Residents in Saltburn, Yorkshire, and Surrey wore fairy lights, banged pans and decorated their balconies with flowers spelling ‘NHS’ during the second … Read more