Covid UK: Maskless users of public transport ‘should expect fines’

Police bluntly put mask rule flouters on a final warning tonight as they said people caught without a face covering on public transport will face tough fines. National Police Chiefs’ Council chairman Martin Hewitt said officers would no longer ‘waste time’ trying to reason with covidsceptics as deaths from the latest deadly wave of coronavirus … Read more

Covid UK: Boots and Superdrug won’t start vaccinations til THURSDAY

Britain’s High Street pharmacies won’t start dishing out coronavirus vaccines until Thursday, it was revealed today amid mounting pressure on Boris Johnson to launch round-the-clock inoculations. Superdrug and Boots will only have one site ready to dish out vaccines when the roll-out is finally expanded later this week, with dozens more sites on standby to ramp … Read more

Covid UK: Boots and Superdrug won’t start vaccinations til THURSDAY

Britain’s High Street pharmacies won’t start dishing out coronavirus vaccines until Thursday, it was revealed today amid mounting pressure on Boris Johnson to launch round-the-clock inoculations. Superdrug and Boots will only have one site ready to dish out vaccines when the roll-out is finally expanded later this week, with dozens more sites on standby to ramp … Read more

Boris Johnson gathers Cabinet amid fears lockdown could get tighter

What lockdown rules could be tightened?   Upgrade the one metre-plus social distancing rule SAGE experts are pushing for a two metres-plus guideline instead. It would mean that people should normally stay three metres apart, unless there are other protections in place such as perspex screens. Remove exercise loophole  Matt Hancock has made clear that the loophole … Read more

Boris Johnson blames Chinese for Covid saying pandemic triggered by ‘demented’ traditional medicine

Boris Johnson launched a blistering attack on China, blaming its ‘demented’ traditional medical practices for the coronavirus pandemic. In a speech to world leaders yesterday he attacked people who ‘grind up the scales of a pangolin’ in a bid to become more ‘potent’. He made the remarks in a speech to the One Planet Summit, … Read more

Boris Johnson blames Chinese for Covid saying pandemic triggered by ‘demented’ traditional medicine

Boris Johnson launched a blistering attack on China, blaming its ‘demented’ traditional medical practices for the coronavirus pandemic. In a speech to world leaders yesterday he attacked people who ‘grind up the scales of a pangolin’ in a bid to become more ‘potent’. He made the remarks in a speech to the One Planet Summit, … Read more

Boris Johnson gathers Cabinet amid fears lockdown could get tighter

Boris Johnson gathered Cabinet today amid fears lockdown could be tightened within days unless coronavirus numbers ease. The PM has been holding a virtual meeting with his senior team as they consider the next move in the crisis wreaking havoc on the country. Ministers have been desperately pleading with Britons to limit their contacts as the … Read more

Kit Malthouse claims you can cycle up to 70 MILES from your home

Britons can sit on benches ‘for a short pause’ and go on bike rides of up to 70 miles but should think carefully about meeting a friend for a coffee and must never go to the supermarket without a mask, ministers said today. Kit Malthouse also accused the public of ‘searching for the loopholes in … Read more

Labour leads calls for 24/7 vaccination operation in the UK

How the Government’s vaccine plan breaks down  PHASE 1 (FEB 15 TARGET) CARE HOME RESIDENTS – 300,000 CARE HOME WORKERS – 500,000 AGE 80+ – 3,300,000 HEALTHCARE WORKERS – 2,400,000 SOCIAL CARE WORKERS – 1,400,000 AGE 75-79 – 2,300,000 AGE 70-74 – 3,200,000 CLINICALLY EXTREMELY VULNERABLE (UNDER 70) – 1,200,000 PHASE 2 (SPRING) 65-69 2,900,000 … Read more

Labour leads calls for 24/7 vaccination operation in the UK

How the Government’s vaccine plan breaks down  PHASE 1 (FEB 15 TARGET) CARE HOME RESIDENTS – 300,000 CARE HOME WORKERS – 500,000 AGE 80+ – 3,300,000 HEALTHCARE WORKERS – 2,400,000 SOCIAL CARE WORKERS – 1,400,000 AGE 75-79 – 2,300,000 AGE 70-74 – 3,200,000 CLINICALLY EXTREMELY VULNERABLE (UNDER 70) – 1,200,000 PHASE 2 (SPRING) 65-69 2,900,000 … Read more