Bernie Sanders AND four Republicans threaten to hold up $2 trillion bailout for DAYS

The plan by the White House and Senate leaders to jam through an immediate vote on a $2 trillion coronavirus bailout package came under threat Wednesday after a trio of Republican senators dug in against a provision to provide a boost unemployment insurance. The GOP senators said unless their objections are met they won’t go … Read more

Mike Pence and Dr Birx say ANYONE who has been to New York should self quarantine

White House officials said Tuesday that anyone who has recently been to New York should self quarantine for 14 days. Dr Deborah Birx, the response coordinator for the White House task force, warned that people leaving the hardest hit area of the United States might not be sick, but could have been exposed to the virus. … Read more

John Hopkins health expert says ‘millions could die’ if Donald Trump lifts lockdowns early

A health expert on Monday warned that coronavirus will ‘spread widely, rapidly, terribly and millions could die’ if Donald Trump lifts lockdowns in the United States early.  Tom Inglesby, a director at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, tweeted his fears after the president said he will reconsider the nation’s social distancing policy within a matter … Read more

Harvey Weinstein is put in isolation after contracting coronavirus

BREAKING NEWS: Harvey Weinstein has coronavirus: Rapist movie mogul tests positive and is put in isolation just days after arriving in an upstate New York prison to start his 23-year sentence A source told on Sunday: ‘He tested positive and is quarantined’ Weinstein, 68, is isolated at Wende Correctional Facility in Western New York … Read more

Harvey Weinstein is put in isolation after contracting coronavirus

BREAKING NEWS: Harvey Weinstein has coronavirus: Rapist movie mogul tests positive and is put in isolation just days after arriving in an upstate New York prison to start his 23-year sentence and resend to web ed A source told on Sunday: ‘He tested positive and is quarantined’ Weinstein, 68, is isolated at Wende Correctional … Read more

Olympics Coronavirus: Tokyo 2020 set to be postponed, organisers admit

2020 OLYMPIC GAMES   The Olympic torch relay in Greece was cancelled on Friday March 13 – just a day after the flame was lit in Olympia. Large crowds mobbed Hollywood actor Gerard Butler as he lit the cauldron in the Greek city of Sparta despite repeated warnings for spectators not to attend because of coronavirus. That forced … Read more

Olympics Coronavirus: Tokyo 2020 set to be postponed, organisers admit

2020 OLYMPIC GAMES   The Olympic torch relay in Greece was cancelled on Friday March 13 – just a day after the flame was lit in Olympia. Large crowds mobbed Hollywood actor Gerard Butler as he lit the cauldron in the Greek city of Sparta despite repeated warnings for spectators not to attend because of coronavirus. That forced … Read more

US coronavirus lockdown to last 10-12 weeks, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says

ALABAMA Gov. Kay Ivey issued statewide shutdowns of all beaches, child care facilities, dine-in restaurants and other services effective 5pm March 19.  All public schools are closed until April 6.  This extended previous rules closing day cares, senior centers and on-site restaurant dining across six counties and banning public gatherings of more than 25 people … Read more

Ant and Dec achieve record breaking ratings on Saturday Night Takeaway

Ant McPartlin and Declan Donnelly have achieved record breaking viewer ratings on Saturday Night Takeaway after airing an episode with no audience for the first time in 18 years.  The show, which aired on Saturday night, brought in a viewership of 9.5 million people despite being filmed in a completely empty studio due the coronavirus … Read more