EU starts legal action against UK over Boris Johnson’s Brexit plans

Ursula von der Leyen announces the EU is launching legal action against the UK over Boris Johnson’s plans to override parts of the Brexit divorce deal By Jack Maidment, Deputy Political Editor For Mailonline Published: 10:15 BST, 1 October 2020 | Updated: 10:15 BST, 1 October 2020 Ursula von der Leyen today announced the European … Read more

Brexit bad for national security, says ex-MI6 boss Sir John Scarlett

‘Leaving the EU is BAD for our national security’: Former MI6 boss Sir John Scarlett says UK will have to cope with reduced intelligence on Islamic terror suspects after Brexit Sir John Scarlett said there would be ‘capability loss’ when Brexit transition ends Limited data sharing may weaken ability to ‘respond to the Islamic jihadi … Read more

Brexit bad for national security, says ex-MI6 boss Sir John Scarlett

‘Leaving the EU is BAD for our national security’: Former MI6 boss Sir John Scarlett says UK will have to cope with reduced intelligence on Islamic terror suspects after Brexit Sir John Scarlett said there would be ‘capability loss’ when Brexit transition ends Limited data sharing may weaken ability to ‘respond to the Islamic jihadi … Read more

EU buys Oxford’s Covid-19 vaccine for knock-off price but will cover costs if jab has side effects

European countries will have to cover compensation costs if Oxford University’s coronavirus vaccine causes any side effects, as part of the EU’s deal to secure the experimental jab at a discounted price, it was claimed today. The European Union is said to have struck a deal with AstraZeneca – which owns the rights to the … Read more

Britons going abroad after Brexit should check Government ad campaign

Britons hoping to get abroad after Brexit are told whether they should ‘check, change or go’ to their chosen destination in new Government ad campaign Holidaymakers planning trips to European Union urged to  prepare for new rules Those with near-expiry passports may not be able to travel to most EU countries  The current European Health … Read more

The Queen’s £400 million fortune: Book claims Her Majesty’s personal wealth is £50 million higher

The Queen’s private fortune is approximately £400 million, a new book claims.  Royal finance expert David McClure has also written that the monarch received a 55 per cent rise in EU farm subsidies at Sandringham, as Prince Charles turned the estate organic.  Mr McClure’s new book, The Queen’s True Worth, estimates Her Majesty’s fortune at … Read more

The Queen’s £400 million fortune: Book claims Her Majesty’s personal wealth is £50 million higher

The Queen’s private fortune is approximately £400 million, a new book claims.  Royal finance expert David McClure has also written that the monarch received a 55 per cent rise in EU farm subsidies at Sandringham, as Prince Charles turned the estate organic.  Mr McClure’s new book, The Queen’s True Worth, estimates Her Majesty’s fortune at … Read more

Britons face quarantine across EVERY EU country

Britons travelling to the European Union could soon face quarantine on arrival across the board as countries consider whether to adopt a standardised threshold for imposing self-isolation rules.  The European Commission is pushing member states to adopt its recently published ‘traffic light’ quarantine system so that the entire bloc uses the same criteria for restricting … Read more

DAN HODGES: Is Boris Johnson really mad enough to hit the No Deal nuclear button?

It’s basically the Nixon ‘Madman strategy,’ the Minister explained to me. ‘They want the EU to think they’re crazy enough to go for No Deal, and that will spook them into giving enough concessions that we can strike a deal.’ Perhaps it will. But there’s one major difference between Nixon’s threat to nuke the North … Read more

Holidaying Britons on their way to EU countries will save money under new post-Brexit regime

Holidaying Britons will once again be able to snap up cut-price alcohol on holidays to Europe under a new post-Brexit regime from January.   Passengers making their way to EU countries from the UK are currently excluded from duty-free – but this is set to change once the transition period for leaving the European Union ends … Read more