Should you gamble on a deal to fix energy bills at £3,200 or stick with a default tariff?

Energy deals are hitting eye-watering levels with some households now being quoted close to £4,500 for a year of gas and electricity if they want to fix the price they pay.  Just two years ago, households could bag an equivalent one-year fixed-rate tariff for £900, so the idea of paying five times that amount may … Read more

It’s now pricier for fast food delivery drivers to get car insurance than FOOTBALLERS

Fast food delivery drivers are now paying more for car insurance than any other profession, including footballers and taxi drivers, research shows. Delivery drivers working for popular fast food companies or independently at restaurants pay a whopping £1,369 a year, more than double the average premium, comparison website Go Compare says. Insurers deem the profession … Read more

Britons lost £2bn of possessions on public transport in 2021: Would your insurance cover them?

People who lose possessions on the train or bus find themselves nearly £300 out of pocket on average, as the majority of home insurance policies don’t cover their personal belongings when they leave the house. In the last 12 months, Britons have lost an estimated £2billion of personal belongings on public transport, costing them an … Read more