House Democrats attack Nancy Pelosi and ‘the Squad’ in leaked call

House Democrats savaged Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a family venting session that featured yelling and crying lawmakers in the wake of the party’s losses on Thursday. And the drama on the three-hour conference call played out live on Twitter, as details were leaked to the Capitol Hill press corps, who tweeted all the wild details.    … Read more

US Election: Biden takes the lead in Pennsylvania with 5,000 votes

Biden on Thursday night – he is now poised for White House victory Joe Biden has taken the lead in Pennsylvania with 5,5870 votes and is now poised for White House victory, leading in four of the remaining swing states, despite Trump’s refusal to accept defeat and claiming he is the victim of an elaborate … Read more

US Election: Biden takes the lead in Pennsylvania with 5,000 votes

Biden on Thursday night – he is now poised for White House victory Joe Biden has taken the lead in Pennsylvania with 5,5870 votes and is now poised for White House victory, leading in four of the remaining swing states, despite Trump’s refusal to accept defeat and claiming he is the victim of an elaborate … Read more

Biden gaining ground in 3 of the 4 states that will decide election

America’s next president hinges on the votes of four battleground states where the bulk of ballots have been counted but the race still remains too close to call. A candidate needs to 270 electoral college votes to win, and by most decision desks Biden is currently on 253 with Trump behind on 214 – meaning the … Read more

Trump tweets that his election observers were banned from the polls

President Donald Trump, in an early morning Twitter rage, complained his election observers were banned from watching votes being counted even as his own lawyer conceded to a Philadelphia judge that the campaign had people in the room. Trump complained about the election tallies in a 2:22 a.m. tweet that Twitter flagged as having incorrect … Read more

Trump tweets that his election observers were banned from the polls

President Donald Trump, in an early morning Twitter rage, complained his election observers were banned from watching votes being counted even as his own lawyer conceded to a Philadelphia judge that the campaign had people in the room. Trump complained about the election tallies in a 2:22 a.m. tweet that Twitter flagged as having incorrect … Read more

Georgia count: Biden takes the lead over trump with 917 votes

Pennsylvania still has hundreds of thousands of votes left to count despite the secretary of state saying results could be returned on Thursday as Joe Biden closes the gap and President Donald Trump loses a legal bid to stop ballot counting in Philadelphia.   Pennsylvania is among a handful of battleground states Trump and Biden are … Read more

Georgia count: Trump drops lead to be neck and neck with Joe Biden

Pennsylvania still has hundreds of thousands of votes left to count despite the secretary of state saying results could be returned on Thursday as Joe Biden closes the gap and President Donald Trump loses a legal bid to stop ballot counting in Philadelphia.   Pennsylvania is among a handful of battleground states Trump and Biden are … Read more

US Election 2020: Biden leads in Nevada by more than 11,000 votes

Joe Biden is now leading in Nevada by more than 11,000 votes as of Thursday night as President Donald Trump’s campaign filed a federal lawsuit in the state, alleging that ineligible votes were cast in the Las Vegas area. About 75 per cent of the Nevada votes are in and Biden is leading by 11,438 … Read more

US Election 2020: Biden leads in Nevada by more than 11,000 votes

Joe Biden is now leading in Nevada by more than 11,000 votes as of Thursday night as President Donald Trump’s campaign filed a federal lawsuit in the state, alleging that ineligible votes were cast in the Las Vegas area. About 75 per cent of the Nevada votes are in and Biden is leading by 11,438 … Read more