NY Gov. Cuomo shuts down all non-essential businesses in coronavirus crisis

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has issued a state-wide order for all non-essential workers to stay home now in the most drastic step he has taken in the battle against coronavirus, telling the state’s 19million residents: ‘We are all in quarantine now.’  In an announcement on Friday, Cuomo hardened the previous rule that 75 percent … Read more

U.S. has ordered ‘millions of units’ of malaria drug as potential coronavirus therapy

President Donald Trump angrily attacked a reporter who asked what his message was to ‘scared’ Americans at an extraordinary press briefing on coronavrius Friday. He accused NBC News reporter Peter Alexander of ‘bad reporting’ in an angry tirade which came as he faced mounting questions over ordering ‘millions’ of units of the drug ‘cloroquine’ that he said he … Read more

U.S. has ordered ‘millions of units’ of malaria drug as potential coronavirus therapy

President Donald Trump told reporters the nation has ordered ‘millions’ of units of the drug ‘cloroquine’ that he said he has a ‘feeling’ will be effective against the coronavirus. ‘We ordered them. We have millions of units ordered,’ Trump said, name checking the German manufacturer Bayer, which he called a ‘great company.’ ‘Millions of units … Read more

NY Gov. Cuomo shuts down all non-essential businesses in coronavirus crisis

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has ordered all non-essential workers to stay home now in the most drastic step he has taken in the battle against coronavirus, telling New Yorkers: ‘We are all in quarantine now.’  In an announcement on Friday, he increased the previous rule that 75 percent of the state’s workforce had to … Read more

Mitch McConnell unveils $1,200 checks for every American

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is proposing direct payments of $1,200 per person and $2,400 for couples amid the coronavirus outbreak, according to a copy of the legislation obtained by The Associated Press. The GOP leader was poised to unveil the sweeping response Thursday as Congress raced to draft a $1 trillion measure to shore … Read more

Samsung shuts down Experience Stores across the US and Canada over fears of coronavirus

Samsung is the latest tech giant to fall victim to a coronavirus shutdown. The South Korean firm announced the closure of its Experience Stores across the US and Canada to help limit the spread of the virus. Repair Centers will continue to stay open, but will be working on a limited schedule – Monday to … Read more

Coronavirus UK: MPs demand Government pay workers’ wages

The Government must cover the wages of workers’ threatened with the loss of their livelihoods due to the coronavirus, furious MPs demanded today. Treasury minister John Glen was blasted by both Labour and Tory backbenchers as he tried to explain help for those facing unemployment as the economy goes into meltdown in the face of … Read more

Prince Philip flown by helicopter to join Queen at Windsor Castle

BREAKING NEWS: Prince Philip is flown by helicopter from Sandringham to join Queen at Windsor Castle for Easter – amid reports Prince William will step in to her role during coronavirus crisis Prince Philip has been helicoptered from Sandringham to Windsor Castle Reports say he’s joined her a week early to match her revised schedule   … Read more

President Trump signs multi-billion dollar emergency coronavirus relief bill

President Trump has signed into law a multi-billion dollar emergency coronavirus relief bill.  The signing of the bipartisan bill came Wednesday evening, just hours after it passed in the Senate.  The $105 billion bill provides safety net programs for Americans affected by COVID-19, including paid sick and family leave.  The legislation also provides free testing … Read more

President Trump signs multi-billion dollar emergency coronavirus relief bill

President Trump has signed into law a multi-billion dollar emergency coronavirus relief bill.  The signing of the bipartisan bill came Wednesday evening, just hours after it passed in the Senate.  The $105 billion bill provides safety net programs for Americans affected by COVID-19, including paid sick and family leave.  The legislation also provides free testing … Read more