Department of Justice will file an antitrust lawsuit against Google today

DoJ sues Google: Showdown with ‘gatekeeper to the internet’ over claims it uses its power unfairly to preserve a monopoly and shut out any search engine competitors The DoJ is preparing to file a lawsuit on Tuesday that accuses Google of shutting out competitors unfairly Because Google is the preferred advertising platform among businesses, it … Read more

Britain DIVIDED: The Covid rule chaos driving a wedge between communities 

Thousands of Brits are facing a dilema as towns, villages and even homes are split across different ‘tiers’ of coronavirus restrictions.  An Essex woman is free to drive hundreds of miles around England, but cannot visit her neighbour on the other as her property is split across two councils with opposing restrictions.  Golfers at a … Read more

Former top Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid says he voted for Joe Biden

The former top Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid has said he voted for Joe Biden ‘because black lives matter and climate change is real’.  In an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal published Monday William McRaven says he backs the Democrat, arguing ‘the the world no longer looks up to America’.  Describing himself … Read more

Department of Justice will file an antitrust lawsuit against Google today

DoJ sues Google: Showdown with ‘gatekeeper to the internet’ over claims it uses its power unfairly to preserve a monopoly and shut out any search engine competitors The DoJ is preparing to file a lawsuit on Tuesday that accuses Google of shutting out competitors unfairly Because Google is the preferred advertising platform among businesses, it … Read more

Manchester Arena bomber Salman Abedi looked ‘like a Bond villain’ and a ‘terrorist’, witness claims

The Manchester Arena suicide bomber looked ‘like a Bond villain’ and a ‘terrorist’ moments before he set off his devastating rucksack device, a witness told the inquiry into the terror attack. Neil Hatfield was waiting to collect his four daughters after Ariana Grande’s concert on May 22, 2017, when he saw a young man ‘in the process … Read more

James Bond star Naomie Harris was ‘petrified’ when obsessed stalker sent her ‘highly sexual’ letters

James Bond star Naomie Harris reveals she was ‘petrified’ when obsessed stalker bombarded her with ‘highly sexual’ love letters before turning up at her north London home Naomie Harris, 44, was on the phone to a friend when her stalker appeared Ovisyonairo Li, 37, turned up at her north London home on February 29 He … Read more

Coronavirus CAN survive on frozen food packaging, Chinese authorities claim 

The coronavirus can survive on frozen food packaging, Chinese officials have said after discovering a city outbreak linked to frozen fish. The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) detected and isolated a living sample of the coronavirus on the outer packaging of frozen cod. Only traces of the pathogen had been found on frozen … Read more

Covid ‘speakeasy’ is raided by police in Prague as bars go underground to evade curfew rules

A coronavirus ‘speakeasy’ has been busted by police in Prague trying to evade curfew rules amid one of the highest infection rates in Europe. Aside from the plastic bags of narcotics, the basement filled with dancers and booze bottles was reminiscent of the illegal nightclubs of Prohibition era Chicago. Officers discovered dozens of revellers beneath … Read more

James Bond star Naomie Harris was ‘petrified’ when obsessed stalker sent her ‘highly sexual’ letters

James Bond star Naomie Harris reveals she was ‘petrified’ when obsessed stalker bombarded her with ‘highly sexual’ love letters before turning up at her north London home Naomie Harris, 44, was on the phone to a friend when her stalker appeared Li Ovisyonairo Li, 37, turned up at her north London home on February 29 … Read more