Chinese staff forced to do push-ups if ‘they walked too much’ while working remotely

Chinese staff working from home during self-isolation are forced to do push-ups by their boss if app shows ‘they walked too much’ A company in Shanxi is using a step-counting app to keep track of its staff  Employees who walked more than 1,000 steps a day must do 20 push-ups  Those walking more than 2,000 steps … Read more

Blood starts pouring through a man’s ceiling after his upstairs neighbor collapses and dies

Blood starts pouring through a man’s ceiling and his complaints are ignored for HOURS by a laughing supervisor… until building management learns a body has been found in apartment upstairs Adam Hockett found blood seeping down the walls and splashing over his sink  His neighbor had collapsed from a medical condition and banged his head  … Read more

British Airways flight to Florida makes emergency landing in Bermuda as phone starts smoking 

British Airways flight from Gatwick to Florida is forced to divert and make emergency landing in Bermuda after business class passenger’s mobile phone starts smoking BA 2167 flight from Gatwick was going to Tampa, Florida, on Saturday February 5 Around two hours from Florida, passengers in business class reported seeing smoke coming from a mobile … Read more

Paddocks estate residents Cottam Lancashire lose three yards of garden due to developer mistake

Homeowners on a new estate have been left furious after developers told them they are chopping three yards off the end of their gardens because of a mistake by bungling builders. Residents of the Paddocks estate in Cottam, Lancashire, were told they will lose land from their back gardens because a boundary fence was erected … Read more

Man is electrocuted after using headphones connected to his charging mobile phone in Thailand

A man was found dead in his bedroom after a suspected electric shock from using headphones connected to his charging mobile phone. The bloated body of Supakhet Saraboon, 35, was discovered sprawled across his bed in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, central Thailand, on Monday night. His headphones were in his ears with the wire draped … Read more

Jimmy Tarbuck reveals he has prostate cancer and tells how friend Tom Jones became his ‘mentor’

Jimmy Tarbuck revealed he has prostate cancer today. Earlier this month he revealed he was being tested for prostate cancer just before his 80th birthday after showing some symptoms. Tarbuck credited Rod Stewart with giving him the courage to get tested, and said that singing legend and his longtime friend Tom Jones had helped him and … Read more

Priti Patel insists it’s ‘about time British businesses invest in British workers’

Priti Patel admitted today that the Government’s plans for a hardline immigration policy would have prevented her own parents from settling in the UK. The Home Secretary this morning published plans for an ‘Australian-style’ points-based immigration system as she said net migration will fall when it is introduced next year.  But the 47-year-old, who was … Read more

Indonesia will ban S&M sex and homosexuality under ‘Family Resilience’ law

Indonesia will ban S&M under ‘family resilience’ law designed to clamp down on ‘sexual deviance’ with offenders warned they could lose custody of their children Draft of Indonesia’s ‘Family Resilience’ law leaked online, prompting outrage  Bill would regulate family life, compelling fathers to protect the family from ‘threats’ such as alcohol and pornography while mothers must … Read more