Mass extinction 360m years ago caused by ozone layer erosion

A mass extinction 360 million years ago that killed off many of the Earth’s plants and freshwater animals was caused by a breakdown of the ozone layer. Scientists from the University of Southampton found evidence that it was high levels of ultraviolet radiation that destroyed the ancient forest ecosystem.   This newly discovered extinction mechanism was … Read more

Chimpanzees develop their own local cultures and customs by imitating each other, researchers reveal

Chimpanzees develop their own local cultures and customs by imitating each other, researchers reveal Scientists from the Max Planck Institute studied chimpanzee behavior in Africa They used cameras and site samples from more than 40 different locations They found many locations had their own local customs These included different methods of ‘termite fishing’ to get … Read more

Ford technology ROASTS inside of police vehicles at 133 degrees Fahrenheit to kill coronavirus

Ford unveils technology that ROASTS the inside of police vehicles at 133 degrees Fahrenheit in an effort to kill coronavirus concentrations The software cranks temperatures inside vehicles to 133 degrees Fahrenheit It holds internal temps for 15 minutes and greatly reduces virus concentration   Software is compatible with Ford’s police vehicles and available now Here’s how to help … Read more

New computer algorithm can locate people lost at sea

Researchers develop a new computer algorithm to locate people lost at sea by modeling ‘traps’ in the water that could pull them in different directions Scientists from MIT and elsewhere developed a new search and rescue tool The computer algorithm identifies multiple ‘trap’ regions in the ocean These traps could pull people in several different … Read more

NASA astronauts are strapped in for SpaceX rocket launch after giving farewell air hugs

NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley have loaded into the cabin of Crew Dragon Capsule, following a social distancing farewell with their families. The team was greeted by their wives and children at Launch Complex 39A, but unlike previous launches, were only allowed to send air hugs and blow kisses to their family due to … Read more