Ancient 3,200-year-old Canaanite temple unearthed in Israel

An ancient 3,200-year-old Canaanite temple has been discovered in Israel which was part of a biblical city destroyed by Joshua.   Inside, archaeologists found various statues of different gods, including two bronze figurines said to be ‘smiting’.  The temple, from about the 12th century BC, was once part of the powerful Canaanite city of Lachish.  This … Read more

Male apes whose moms are present during their adolescence have higher odds of survival, study finds

A new study of wild chimpanzees shows that even our closest animal relatives are mama’s boys. Researchers found that males whose mothers were in their lives from the ages of 10 and 15 had a higher survival rate compared to those who lost their moms before they finished puberty. Data shows that females leave their … Read more

SpaceX to launch four private passengers into orbit around Earth by as soon as late 2021

SpaceX to launch four private passengers into orbit around Earth by as soon as late 2021 thanks to partnership with space tourism company SpaceX may launch its first space tourists as soon as late 2021 or early 2022 The news comes amid a new partnership with Adventures, a space tourism firm Four passengers will orbit … Read more

Brains of people who are addicted to their smartphone physically change

Smartphones are SHRINKING our brains: Grey matter of tech addicts dwindles away in a similar way to how DRUGS ravage a healthy mind German researchers examined the brains of 48 participants using MRI images Total of 22 people smartphone addicts and 26 non-addicts made up the cohort  Researchers found diminished grey matter volume in key … Read more

Incredibly preserved 6,000-year-old elm tree leaf is discovered in Lancashire

Leaf that fell to Earth more than 6,000 years ago from an ancient elm tree is discovered perfectly preserved by archaeologists clearing a patch of land in Lancashire for a £100million A-road Leaf was found perfectly preserved and dates back to around 6,000 years ago  Other finds include pollen, wood and hazelnuts and the tip of an … Read more

Astronomers are searching for 20 female volunteers to ‘float’ in BED for five days

The European Space Agency is searching for 20 women to ‘float’ in a bed for five days straight – but warn it ‘sounds fun but the pleasure wears off very quickly’. The space agency is working with the Medes clinic in France to study the impact of ‘dry-immersion’ baths – floating beds – on the … Read more

Einstein’s favourite childhood toy is set to fetch up to £46,000 at auction 

Einstein’s favourite childhood toy ‘Perlen Mosaik Spiel’ cherished by the physicist all his life is set to fetch up to £46,000 at auction  The pegboard bead game from the 1970s was cherished by Einstein all his life   The set has ‘intriguing’ juvenile pencil markings that may be his first autograph  It will be sold by Bonhams … Read more

Skeleton of middle-aged Neanderthal is found at ‘flower burial’ site in Iraq

The skeleton of a middle-aged Neanderthal that lived 70,000 years ago and was ‘deliberately buried’ by the ancient human ancestor has been found in Iraq. The remains — consisting of a crushed but complete skull, upper thorax and both hands — were recently unearthed at the Shanidar Cave site on Bradost Mountain. This find represents the … Read more