US Election: Georgia recount almost complete, Biden victory likely

Georgia election officials are expected to complete their hand-count of the election results by Wednesday, after disparities uncovered so far are not expected to make a difference in the race. The state’s voting systems implementation manager said Tuesday only 300,000 ballots are yet to be recounted, CNN reported. Most of the recounted results have been … Read more

Cuomo slams ‘bully’ Trump for threatening to withhold vaccine from New York

The governor of New York has hit back at Donald Trump’s threat to withhold a vaccine for residents of his state, as part of a long-running feud between the two Queens-born men which escalated when Andrew Cuomo said he wanted Trump’s vaccine independently vetted.  Trump said on Friday afternoon in the Rose Garden that a … Read more

Cuomo slams ‘bully’ Trump for threatening to withhold vaccine from New York

The governor of New York has hit back at Donald Trump’s threat to withhold a vaccine for residents of his state, as part of a long-running feud between the two Queens-born men which escalated when Andrew Cuomo said he wanted Trump’s vaccine independently vetted.  Trump said on Friday afternoon in the Rose Garden that a … Read more

Trump ‘to announce 2024 run’ when Biden certified as election winner

Donald Trump does have a precarious – and politically explosive – path to keeping the White House. To do it he needs to get Joe Biden’s wins in a series of states set aside.  With his claim that the Supreme Court would do that looking to have evaporated, instead he has to use the procedures … Read more

Trump ‘to announce 2024 run’ when Biden certified as election winner

Donald Trump does have a precarious – and politically explosive – path to keeping the White House. To do it he needs to get Joe Biden’s wins in a series of states set aside.  With his claim that the Supreme Court would do that looking to have evaporated, instead he has to use the procedures … Read more

Now Chuck Grassley tells Donald Trump to give Joe Biden access to intelligence briefings

Senator Chuck Grassley said Joe Biden should be given access to intelligence briefings, which he has been shut out of since becoming president-elect as Donald Trump’s administration refuses to acknowledge his victory. ‘I would think – especially on classified briefings – the answer is yes,’ Grassley told a reporter on Capitol Hill Thursday, adding he … Read more

Boris Johnson calls Trump ‘previous president’ after Joe Biden chat

Boris Johnson distanced himself from Donald Trump’s attempts to cling on to power in the US today as he branded him the ‘previous president’.  In a comment that suggests he believes Mr Trump should cede to his victorious opponent, the Prime Minister praised a ‘refreshing’ discussion he had with president-elect Joe Biden last night. Mr … Read more

Jennifer Arcuri calls Boris Johnson’s post to Joe Biden ‘repulsive’

Boris Johnson’s former lover has blasted him a ‘puppet’ and a ‘Great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jelly’ for congratulating Joe Biden.  Jennifer Arcuri, 35, slammed the Prime Minister on Twitter for congratulating Joe Biden before he has been officially named President.  Mr Johnson tweeted to say: I just spoke to Joe Biden to congratulate him on … Read more

Jennifer Arcuri calls Boris Johnson’s post to Joe Biden ‘repulsive’

Boris Johnson’s former lover has blasted him a ‘puppet’ and a ‘Great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jelly’ for congratulating Joe Biden.  Jennifer Arcuri, 35, slammed the Prime Minister on Twitter for congratulating Joe Biden before he has been officially named President.  Mr Johnson tweeted to say: I just spoke to Joe Biden to congratulate him on … Read more

US Election 2020: PA ‘voter fraud’ witness ‘RECANTS completely’

PENNSYLVANIA BIDEN MAJORITY TRUMP NEEDS TO OVERTURN: 45,646 On Monday the Trump campaign filed their big shot at overturning all mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania, claiming that Democratic and Republican counties did not administer them in the same way; instances of fraud; and that poll watchers could not see them being counted. The case faces an … Read more