Donald Trump’s barrage of lawsuits where he is losing ground to Joe Biden explained

President Donald Trump’s post-election legal strategy has been to file lawsuits everywhere his team believes there are votes to be found or blocked and where Joe Biden is inching ahead – even if their push in one state contradicts what they are seeking in another. The strategy gives Trump’s lawyers multiple avenue for challenges, with … Read more

Donald Trump insists he won election as Michigan lawsuit FAILS

WHEN ELECTION RESULTS MIGHT COME GEORGIA: Unclear – counting may go into evening Thursday NEVADA:  Now have close to 200,000 to count; timing unclear ARIZONA: Counting going in to Friday PENNSYLVANIA: Friday at the earliest. Count America – and the world – is facing more delays in finding out who the next president is Thursday … Read more

Social media memes mock the slow counting of ballots in crucial swing states 

With the nation waking up to yet another day of uncertainty as several critical swing states are still in play, Americans are turning to social media for some much-needed light relief.  Twitter and Instagram has gone into overdrive with memes mocking the slow counting of ballots as the election hangs in the balance of votes … Read more

US Election 2020: Trump 0.4% ahead in Georgia after 98% vote count

Trump is ahead by 18,000 votes in Georgia but 60,000 are still be counted as officials say result will come by the end of the day Donald Trump holds a lead of around 18,0000 votes in the southern state with some 60,000 still to be counted Georgia’s Secretary of State said on Thursday a result … Read more

US Election 2020: Joe Biden expected to win narrow Nevada victory

Biden is expected to win in Nevada despite having less than 1% lead over Trump and the final results are not expected until later today – but Trump files lawsuit to halt the count Results from the state were originally expected late on election night with Joe Biden currently up 0.6% But officials stopped reporting … Read more

Social media memes mock the slow counting of ballots in crucial swing states 

With the nation waking up to yet another day of uncertainty as several critical swing states are still in play, Americans are turning to social media for some much-needed light relief.  Twitter and Instagram has gone into overdrive with memes mocking the slow counting of ballots as the election hangs in the balance of votes … Read more

Donald Trump demands ‘STOP THE COUNT!’ as his campaign launches barrage of lawsuits

President Donald Trump demanded the nation stop counting votes in the presidential election as his campaign launches a lawsuit in Nevada, which could hand Joe Biden the presidency should he win its six electoral votes. Former Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell is holding a pres conference for the Trump campaign in Nevada later today … Read more

On what grounds is Trump taking legal action in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania?

America’s presidential election is moving towards its nerve-shredding conclusion and hinges on a few battleground states where counting continues. Trump’s possible paths to reelection are closing up quickly as a late surge of mail-in ballots skew for Joe Biden and put him within touching distance of the White House. But the President has made clear he will … Read more

On what grounds is Trump taking legal action in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania?

America’s presidential election is moving towards its nerve-shredding conclusion and hinges on a few battleground states where counting continues. Trump’s possible paths to reelection are closing up quickly as a late surge of mail-in ballots skew for Joe Biden and put him within touching distance of the White House. But the President has made clear he will … Read more

US Election 2020: Could Arizona flip to TRUMP? 400k votes uncounted

Chaos hit the election count center in a crucial Arizona county on Wednesday night after a large group of Trump supporters gathered outside to protest and one woman even made her way inside the building to disrupt the count, as the race in the must-win state tightened.  The Maricopa County center in Phoenix was forced to close … Read more