Conservation efforts in China to protect giant pandas have failed to help large carnivores

Conservation efforts in China designed to protect the giant panda have failed to help the region’s endangered leopards, snow leopards and wolves, study finds Experts examined the large carnivores living in 73 of China’s protected areas They found in most of the regions, such animals had almost entirely disappeared Numbers of leopards, for example, have … Read more

Sadiq Khan’s fury over ‘plans to quarantine London inside the M25’

No10 today refused to rule out effectively sealing off London if coronavirus cases spike as Sadiq Khan accused Boris Johnson of ‘riding roughshod’ over the city’s best interests. The Mayor of London has written to the PM to voice ‘great surprise’ at suggestions a quarantine zone could be created within the M25, complaining that it has … Read more

Rita Ora and new beau Romain Gavras meet Kate Moss and daughter Lila Grace for lunch in Ibiza

She’s been spotted sunning herself on the shores of Ibiza over the past several days with her new boyfriend Romain Gavras. And Rita Ora was spotted enjoying her Sunday lunch on the Balearic island with special company, when she met up with Kate Moss and her daughter Lila Grace. The singer, 29, caught the eye … Read more

Sadiq Khan’s fury over ‘plans to quarantine London inside the M25’

London COULD be locked down: No 10 refuses to rule out sealing off capital to control coronavirus outbreak amid fury from Sadiq Khan’s fury at Boris’s ‘unacceptable’ unilateral M25 quarantine plan Sadiq Khan has condemned the idea of sealing off the M25 around London if coronavirus cases rise again The London Mayor complained that he … Read more