US Election 2020: Nevada result delayed, 200k votes still to count

Nevada’s election result was delayed on Thursday as officials scrambled to count the remaining 200,000 votes there and Biden’s lead increased from 8,000 votes to 11,500 in the face of ongoing claims from President Trump that the entire election is a fraud that involved tens of thousands of votes being cast in dead people’s names.  Officials … Read more

US Election 2020: Nevada result delayed, 200k votes still to count

Nevada’s election result was delayed on Thursday as officials scrambled to count the remaining 200,000 votes there and Biden’s lead increased from 8,000 votes to 11,500 in the face of ongoing claims from President Trump that the entire election is a fraud that involved tens of thousands of votes being cast in dead people’s names.  Officials … Read more

Donald Trump insists he won election as Michigan lawsuit FAILS

WHEN ELECTION RESULTS MIGHT COME GEORGIA: Unclear – counting may go into evening Thursday NEVADA:  Now have close to 200,000 to count; timing unclear ARIZONA: Counting going in to Friday PENNSYLVANIA: Friday at the earliest. Count America – and the world – is facing more delays in finding out who the next president is Thursday … Read more

Premier League clubs vote to DITCH the controversial £14.95 pay-per-view scheme

Premier League will ABANDON their unpopular pay-per-view matches from after the international break until at least the end of 2020 – and now must thrash out a deal with broadcasters for how games will be shown Premier League clubs met today to find a resolution to the PPV ‘PR disaster’ £14.95 charge for each game … Read more

Premier League clubs vote to DITCH the controversial £14.95 pay-per-view scheme

Premier League will ABANDON their unpopular pay-per-view matches from after the international break until at least the end of 2020 – and now must thrash out a deal with broadcasters for how games will be shown Premier League clubs met today to find a resolution to the PPV ‘PR disaster’ £14.95 charge for each game … Read more

US Election 2020: Biden ‘confident’ to win, Trump sues to halt count

Joe Biden all but declared election victory on Wednesday afternoon after winning Wisconsin and Michigan as President Trump cried fraud, desperately scrambled to undermine the results and claimed his own wins in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia even though votes are still being tallied there.  CNN called Michigan for Biden on Wednesday afternoon, giving him … Read more

US Election 2020: Biden ‘confident’ to win, Trump sues to halt count

Joe Biden all but declared election victory on Wednesday afternoon after winning Wisconsin and Michigan as President Trump cried fraud, desperately scrambled to undermine the results and claimed his own wins in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia even though votes are still being tallied there.  CNN called Michigan for Biden on Wednesday afternoon, giving him … Read more

Democrats face tough questions after predictions come up short

Republicans are on track to keep control of the Senate which, if Joe Biden wins the White House, could make him a lame duck president from day one. As Senate leader, Mitch McConnell would control what comes to the chamber floor for a vote, a powerful position that would allow him to stymie Biden’s agenda.  … Read more

US Election 2020: Trump wins WV, IN, KY and Biden takes VT, VA

Polls have closed in Georgia and in most of Florida – two major battleground states – as an election year unlike any other draws to a close. Five states – Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Vermont and Virginia – had their polls close at 7pm ET along with most of Florida, where the panhandle portion … Read more

Polls close in battleground Florida and Georgia as Biden takes Vermont and Trump takes Kentucky

Polls have closed in Georgia and in most of Florida – two major battleground states – as an election year unlike any other draws to a close. Five states – Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Vermont and Virginia – had their polls close at 7pm ET along with most of Florida, where the panhandle portion … Read more