Ramona Singer unfollows Dorinda Medley after comparing her to Donald Trump

Ramona Singer unfollows Dorinda Medley after the ex-RHONY star compares her to Donald Trump and herself to Joe Biden… in a mock-up of the presidential debate on Instagram Dorinda Medley has shared a meme comparing the last Real Housewives of New York reunion to this week’s disastrous presidential debate The 55-year-old was tagged as Joe … Read more

Will C-Span moderator Steve Scully mute Donald Trump’s mic at next presidential debate?

The next presidential debate may give moderator Steve Scully the ability to turn off Donald Trump’s microphone but some fear that won’t stop the president from interrupting and talking over Joe Biden like he did in their first meeting. The two candidates will face each other next on October 15 in Miami for a town-hall … Read more

Chris Wallace says the debate was ‘a terrible missed opportunity’

Chris Wallace said Wednesday that Tuesday evening’s presidential debate was ‘a terrible missed opportunity’ that ‘went off the tracks’.  In his first comments since the event, the moderator said he accepted a glass of champagne from CEO of the Fox Corporation Lachlan Murdoch while waiting at the airport for his flight home from Cleveland.  But he … Read more

Melania Trump knew her husband would with the presidential election ‘if and when he ran’

Melania Trump has revealed she always knew her husband would win the US presidential election ‘if and when he ran,’ as she opens up about how her childhood in Slovenia and travels as a model has led her to serve as First Lady.  In a rare interview featured in the November issue of the British … Read more

CRAIG BROWN: As Spitting Image puppets return… it’s Satireday night lively and dangerous! 

Spitting Image returns to our screens on Saturday. We are promised grotesque new latex puppets of, among many others, Donald Trump, Meghan and Harry, Kim Kardashian, Boris Johnson, Taylor Swift and Angela Merkel. Ed Sheeran is to be portrayed as a turnip, with a root growing from his chin, and Dominic Cummings as an evil … Read more

CRAIG BROWN: As Spitting Image puppets return… it’s Satireday night lively and dangerous! 

Spitting Image returns to our screens on Saturday. We are promised grotesque new latex puppets of, among many others, Donald Trump, Meghan and Harry, Kim Kardashian, Boris Johnson, Taylor Swift and Angela Merkel. Ed Sheeran is to be portrayed as a turnip, with a root growing from his chin, and Dominic Cummings as an evil … Read more

Melania Trump knew her husband would with the presidential election ‘if and when he ran’

Melania Trump has revealed she always knew her husband would win the US presidential election ‘if and when he ran,’ as she opens up about how her childhood in Slovenia and travels as a model has led her to serve as First Lady.  In a rare interview featured in the November issue of the British … Read more

Australian scientists insist hydroxychloroquine could prevent people catching COVID-19

Australian scientists insist hydroxychloroquine COULD prevent people catching COVID-19 after giving the controversial drug to hundreds of health care workers Melbourne researchers believe hydroxychloroquine could prevent COVID-19  Scientists are studying whether the drug works as a prophylactic for the disease About 230 front line healthcare workers signed up for the COVID SHIELD trial Studies found drug … Read more