BBC veteran John Simson fears his son’s job prospects could be damaged if he gets an Oxbridge degree

BBC veteran John Simson fears his son’s job prospects could be damaged if he gets an Oxbridge degree  The reporter said his ‘great ambition’ for his son to study at Oxford or Cambridge could be ‘one of the biggest millstones around his neck’  He said he joined the BBC in 1970 as a ‘white male, … Read more

Theresa May’s drive to spend £200m tackling modern slavery comes under fire

Theresa May’s drive to spend £200m tackling modern slavery comes under fire  A review by the official aid watchdog warned there was little evidence of the long-term impact of global projects funded with British taxpayers’ money  Concerns were also raised about the UK’s use of the term ‘modern slavery’  The aid watchdog said  many projects … Read more

Quality Street favourites vanish ‘due to factory problems caused by coronavirus’ 

Choc horror! Favourites vanish from boxes of Quality Street ‘due to factory problems caused by coronavirus’ Customers took to social media to complain about their Quality Street tins The company apologised after packs didn’t have customer’s favourite sweets Nestle was forced to limit production of certain varieties because of Covid-19  By Emer Scully For Mailonline … Read more

Perth: Horrifying moment man finds a huge huntsman spider hiding in his HEADPHONES

Horrifying moment man finds a huge huntsman spider hiding in his HEADPHONES after feeling it ‘tickle his ear’ – would you have spotted it? Olly Hurst, based in Perth, felt a tickle in his ear after putting his headphones on  He pulled them off to discover a huge huntsman spider taking refuge inside  ‘I absolutely … Read more

Amazon will NOT be impacted by £500m digital services tax – but smaller retailers will be

Amazon will NOT be impacted by £500m digital services tax – but smaller retailers will be, HMRC admits Two per cent on tax on internet giants will not impact Amazon, HMRC admits  Treasury said Digital Services Tax would make companies pay ‘fair contribution’ Business leaders say the tax is penalising smaller companies who use Amazon   … Read more

Coronavirus: Northern Ireland faces circuit breaker lockdown month

Northern Ireland could see a month-long circuit breaker as the country’s politicians debate how to tackle soaring case numbers. The country’s Health Minister Robin Swann has warned that infection rates will continue rising if both schools and the hospitality sector remain open. The weekly meeting of the powersharing administration, scheduled for Thursday, was brought forward in an indication … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Daily deaths exceed 100 for first time since JUNE

Britain today recorded more than 100 coronavirus deaths for the first time in four months as officials announced 143 more victims. Department of Health statistics show the grim milestone hadn’t been hit since June 17, when 110 lab-confirmed fatalities were added to the tally. For comparison, 76 deaths were registered last Tuesday as well as … Read more

Top think-tank warns Rishi Sunak to avoid ‘act of self-sabotage’ over taxes

Increasing taxes to pay for the Covid crisis would be ‘an act of self-sabotage’ which would derail Britain’s economic recovery, Rishi Sunak was warned last night. The Chancellor has repeatedly signalled that tax rises will be needed to repair the battered public finances. With Britain’s national debt topping £2trillion for the first time and borrowing … Read more