CDC no longer publicly displays data on coronavirus hospitalizations

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website that, up until yesterday, publicly displayed how many US hospital and ICU beds were occupied by coronavirus patients will now only show out-of-date information.  It comes after the Trump Administration instructed hospitals to send their COVID-19 directly to a new Department of Health and Human Services … Read more

More than one THIRD of ICU coronavirus patients in 65 ICUs died within a month

More than one in three coronavirus patients admitted to ICUs in the US will die within a month of being moved into critical care, a new study finds.  As cases surge in many US states – increasing most dramatically in Florida, Texas, Arizona and Oklahoma – hospitalizations are beginning to rise and the nation is … Read more

Eerie animation shows how the world went from zero to 10 MILLION

Just six months ago, coronavirus didn’t yet have a name, but since January, the virus has exploded, circled the globe and sickened nearly 13.5 million people with alarming speed, a new animation demonstrates.  Data visualization designers at Global Stats used data from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Situation Reports to create a timelapse video that … Read more

Eerie animation shows how the world went from zero to 10 MILLION

Just six months ago, coronavirus didn’t yet have a name, but since January, the virus has exploded, circled the globe and sickened nearly 13.5 million people with alarming speed, a new animation demonstrates.  Data visualization designers at Global Stats used data from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Situation Reports to create a timelapse video that … Read more

Trump administration tells hospitals they should NOT send data to the CDC

The Trump administration has ordered US hospitals to send all data directly to a central White House database, cutting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) out of the process collecting and sharing information on the pandemic.  Officials say their aim is to streamline data gathering and analysis and fix lags that have plagued … Read more

Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine safely triggers immune response

Moderna’s experimental vaccine for COVID-19 showed it was safe and provoked immune responses in all 45 healthy volunteers in an ongoing early-stage study, U.S. researchers reported on Tuesday. No study volunteers experienced a serious side effect, but more than half reported mild or moderate reactions such as fatigue, headache, chills, muscle aches or pain at … Read more

Half of covid-positive nursing home residents had no symptoms

More than half of vulnerable elderly people infected with coronavirus at US nursing homes have no symptoms, a new study has found.  Long-term care facilities residents account for more than 40 percent of coronavirus fatalities in the US, according to a New York Times analysis. As a result, some homes have established universal testing.  Johns … Read more

FDA expands its list of potentially deadly toxic hand sanitizers

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning Americans to stop using certain hand sanitizers because they may be toxic.  Regulators expanded their list of potentially dangerous hand sanitizers to 59, manufactured by 13 companies.  Last month, the FDA cautioned that nine products manufactured by Mexico-based Eskbiochem SA de CV and contain varying amounts of methanol. … Read more

Should you swallow the cost of premium vitamins? Which ARE worth splashing out on…

There has long been debate about supplements — whether they can boost your health by ‘supplementing’ the nutrients you get from food or whether they are merely expensive placebos. For the most part, experts agree that we should be getting our nutrients from a healthy balanced diet rather than pills: the exceptions are vitamin D … Read more