Covid UK: Brits NOT fazed by European nations’ AstraZeneca vaccine scaremongering

Defiant Britons have today insisted they are not fazed by Europe’s ‘scaremongering’ against the AstraZeneca vaccine, as they backed the UK’s scientists as ‘the best in the world’. Fourteen countries across the continent have now turned their backs on the Oxford University-researched jab in a knee-jerk reaction over unproven blood clot fears. France, Italy, Germany … Read more

Covid: Italy and France to resume AstraZeneca vaccine when EMA gives clearance

Italy and France fold over AstraZeneca jabs: Mario Draghi and Emmanuel Macron vow to ‘quickly resume’ using the vaccine once European Medicines Agency gives final clearance The nations are among a host of EU nations to have suspended use of the jab  Boris Johnson and the UK medical regulator has insisted the vaccine is safe  … Read more

AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine not linked to Italian teacher’s death, autopsy finds

An Italian music teacher who passed away a day after getting AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine likely died from a sudden heart problem that was not linked to the shot, according to the initial findings of an autopsy.  Sandro Tognatti, 57, who died in the town of Biella on Sunday, had no evidence of blood clots in … Read more

French experts spot ‘Breton’ Covid variant which ‘may fully evade tests’

French experts spot ‘Breton’ Covid variant which ‘may fully evade tests’ – but say mutant strain is no deadlier or more transmissible than original virus Eight cases of the ‘Breton’ strain were detected in a hospital in region of Brittany Despite being infected with virus, the patients’ PCR test results were negative Thought to be … Read more

MPs and the WHO plead with Britons to keep taking ‘safe’ AstraZeneca jabs

MPs from all parties were today pleading with Britons to keep taking AstraZeneca jabs amid fury that the EU’s ‘Brexit sulk’ will fuel anti-vax propaganda.   Politicians, medics and scientists have launched a concerted effort to reassure the public about the safety of the Oxford vaccine after a swathe of European countries suspended its use over unproven … Read more

Covid: Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon say AstraZeneca vaccine safe and effective

Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon today mounted a staunch defence of the AstraZeneca vaccine after the Netherlands and Ireland became the latest EU states to pause its use. The PM insisted the jabs are ‘both safe and effective’ as the First Minister urged Britons to keep coming forward, pointing to ‘significant and growing evidence of … Read more

Couple splash out £16,000 buying and transforming van into their dream home to travel the world in

A couple have revealed how they ditched their old lives and splashed out £16,000 to transform a white van into their dream home. Barista Melissa Hoareau, 23, from Bormes les Mimosas, France, had long dreamed of travelling the world when she met her partner Maxime ‘Max’ Durand, 25, seven years ago and fell in love.   … Read more

Couple splash out £16,000 buying and transforming van into their dream home to travel the world in

A couple have revealed how they ditched their old lives and splashed out £16,000 to transform a white van into their dream home. Barista Melissa Hoareau, 23, from Bormes les Mimosas, France, had long dreamed of travelling the world when she met her partner Maxime ‘Max’ Durand, 25, seven years ago and fell in love.   … Read more

Bella Hadid gives a glimpse of her toned tummy in throwback snaps with nail artist Mei Kawajiri

Bella Hadid gives a glimpse of her toned tummy in throwback snaps with nail artist Mei Kawajiri taken a ‘few summers ago’ By Carly Johnson For Published: 07:41 GMT, 12 March 2021 | Updated: 07:41 GMT, 12 March 2021 Bella Hadid recently walked the runway for the likes of Givenchy and Fendi during Paris … Read more

Sculptor Jason deCaires Taylor opens new underwater museum off Cannes coast

He’s the sculptor whose work gives you a certain sinking feeling. Jason deCaires Taylor is known for creating underwater museums that feature fascinating sculpture collections. He’s created aquatic sculpture gardens in locations such as Mexico, Grenada, the Bahamas, Lanzarote, the Maldives – though this one was partially destroyed after it was deemed offensive – Norway … Read more